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You begin to sprint after your ex. He's hurrying to his next class, across to Hagrid's cabin. You rush after him, your wand in hand. 

Guilt rots your gut, like a fungus that clings onto your heart as well, squeezing it to the point of pain. You want Cedric, you need him in your life. Your legs speed up, crossing each other quicker, your fists pump messily through the clean air. 

"CEDRIC!" You yell, desperately. He turns around and trips slightly. 

"What do you want?" He asks once you catch up. 

"Just to talk." You say, holding back tears. He nods, locking his jaw. 

"Fine, let's go." He grabs your wrist gently and together you trek away from Hogwarts, into the Forbidden Forest. 

Leaves snap under you, sticks and grass fold under your heavy footfalls. Once you've made it away from other students he turns to you, his brows furrowed. 

"Alright? So...?" 

"I see you're healed from quidditch." You whisper, puffs of breath drifting like smoke into the air. 

"Yes," Cedric says, his eyes glinting, "Nice punch by the way." 

"Thanks, and Ced, I'm so sorry." You say, your mouth quivering.

"It's alright, I've come to understand how much of a dirt bag Malfoy is," He smiles, "I know it's not what you intended. 

"Oh Cedric," You grin, suddenly you become aware of how cold the air is. You shiver, your teeth clattering against each other.

With a start you realize what is making it so chilly. You stare past Diggory, behind him there are several large Dementors, breathing raggedly, their zombie-like hands outstretched to grab Cedric's head. 

"Look!" Is all you seem to be able to scream, your heart in your throat, blocking a correct rate of breath from coming. But it's too late. The monster begins to suck, it's inhale taking your lover's soul with it. Cedric drops to his knees, choking, his eyes becoming milky. 

"NO!" You scream, shutting your eyes tightly, tears streaming hot and fast down your face, "Goddamn it!" 

You try to imagine good things, happy memories, anything! Your mind is too mixed up, you can feel that you're losing the boy, hazy in your vision. 

"EXPECTO PATRONUM" You sob, your voice loud enough to warn the entire castle of the threat. Your wand hand shaking, a blueish-white spirit looking patronus bursts from your wand tip. It envelopes the danger in bright light. 

After it fades, you run over to Cedric, catching him before he can fall to the ground. 

"Are you okay?" You ask frantically. He stands slowly, looking at you. 

In a split second he grabs you, holding you to his chest. You look up at him, and have a burst of energy. You push him to a tree and press yourself roughly to his fit, warm body. You twine your hands through his soft hair, your lips resting on his. You part your mouth a bit, your fingers clinging to his back, you take a breath as he slides you into position against the tree. He  holds you there, pressing to your form. His hands wandering along your arms, back, neck and chin. His lips begin to make their way down your jaw line, and neck. 

"Thanks." You whisper, clinging onto his hand, "I love you." 

"I love you too." He says, his eyes glittering with satisfaction. 

Together you make your way back to Hogwarts. You take a pit stop at your room to change into a sweater, while Cedric goes down into the common room. You find a soft red turtleneck and quickly change into that and some jean shorts. You exit your room and find "The Blonde Weasel" standing there. He has a bandage on his nose, 

"Hello," He smirks, gritting his teeth together. He backs you against the wall, one hand raised as if to strike you. 

"I want you to agree to be mine, or Cedric gets it." He whispers. You scoff. 

"Hmm, last I remember, my BOYFRIEND would beat your ass in a fight." 

Draco flushes, his cheeks turning red, "And I wouldn't date you for anything." You raise your knee and jut it into his stomach, "Now stay away from me." You walk away confidently. Turning slightly only to see his shocked, pained expression. He's so angry you can practically see the smoke puffing from his ears. 

Cedric Diggory laughs as you recall your interaction.

"Blimey Y/N!" He chuckles, handing you a glass of hot chocolate. You chug the warm deliciousness, chewing the marshmallows into powder. 

"Well, he had it comin' to him!" You say loudly, tapping your foot, "Threatening you and all." 

"I guess that's true. But its still hilarious that you actually kneed him," Cedric laughs, "You've sent him to Madam Pomphrey twice in one day." 

"Yes, maybe I could've considered not almost breaking his nose..." Theres a brief silence. You admire Cedric in the dying light of the lanterns. His eyes twinkled with lively brightness. You missed this. Seeing him smile. Watching the golden shower of candle light bloom around his cheeks and face. You lean in and gently kiss him. He smiles and leans his head on your shoulder. 

"I love you so much."    

Cedric Diggory: Spinning in CirlcesWhere stories live. Discover now