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That morning had been magical but you know you have to let it go. After all the test results would come in today after you hand them in to Trillani. After breakfast you and the rest of the anxious students walk into Divination for the test. On the way in everyone (including you) make sure to hand in your finished assignments. You go sit down and wait for Trillani to hand out scores. You fidget wildly as you watch Professor Trillani flip through the pages of the tests. You can't help but glance at Cedric. He was looking straight ahead, his head bobbing as if he was listening to music. Once you've looked you can't help but stare. Cedric turns to look at you and you quickly look away.

Oh god, stupid me!! You squirm in your seat. Finally Trillani finishes grading and hands the test scores out on sticky notes. You turn again to look at Cedric and he gives you an encouraging wink. You take a breath and flip your sticky note over to see the score.

10/10 A+

You almost burst out singing with excitement. Your heart leaps and you silently celebrate your first A+ EVER! Then you look at Cedric. You can see him making an effort not to laugh at your reaction and you smile compassionately at him and mouth

"T H A N K Y O U !"

He grins and nods.

"Y O U R W E L C O M E !"

You smile even wider at him.

After class you chase after Cedric as he walks down the hall.

"Cedric!!" You say excitedly.

He turns around and you throw yourself into his steady arms. For a moment time seems to slow as your face comes centimeters from Cedric's symmetrical features. You sit back and he catches his breath.

"You aced it." He says confidently.

"Yes, my first A+..." You confess. Cedric suddenly brings his face closer to yours.

"Congrats," He whispers, barely parting his perfect lips into a heart wrenching smile. You gulp and slowly trace his face with your eyes.

"U-um, thanks..." You croak, "I um I really appreciate... your help."

"Would you like to watch the sunset with me tonight Y/N?" He asks, as you feel his breath on your face.

"Yes." You admit. Cedric slowly takes his face away and you feel your heart begin beating again.

"K, see you tonight." He winks at you before leaving, and your thoughts spiral out of control.

Is he playing with my emotions? Was he testing the waters and watching my reaction? Or was he really planning to... You cut your hopeful thought off just in time for Hermione to peek her head around the corner.

"UGH, I feel sick!" She groans, "Y/N he CLEARLY likes you."

"Wha-!?" You say surprised, "No no no! We weren't!"

"Y/N, you're hopeless." Hermione states, shaking her head.

"What?! What do you mean??" You cry, "He wasn't going to..."

"Y/N you and I know I don't have experience with boys... but even I can tell what a guy means when he asks you to watch a SUNSET!" She bossily shakes her head. You roll your eyes but inside you begin to want her theories to be true.

"I have to gooo!" You make a quick excuse and leave this conversation. You hurry off down the hall and finally stop to take a breather outside of the potions classroom. You quickly flip your book of spells and search until you find the page marked,

Cedric Diggory: Spinning in CirlcesWhere stories live. Discover now