What have I done?

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You walk out in a gorgeous white dress, frills fan out from your tight, corset squeezed waist. Large poofy mesh sleeves come swinging from your lace covered shoulders. You smile a fake grin and step down the steps towards Cedric.

"You look like a dream!" He says excitedly, taking your hand and leading you onto the dance floor with the rest of the crowd, though he still limps from his Quidditch injuries. You feel people  bumping against you, and suddenly notice the heat of the room.

"I'm just gonna go get a drink." You groan, walking over to the punch bowl. Theres a cup with Y/N on it, written in green sharpie. You don't think anything of it and eagerly take a sip. You immediately taste an insanely sweet, honey texture in the film at the top of the punch. Slowly you set the drink down and walk away back to Cedric.    

"WELCOME TO THE WINTER BALL!!" the couples cheer and you peak over and see Malfoy kissing Pansy's hand, as she giggles, you feel a pang of hatred towards Draco. Your face gets hot with rage as you stare into Pansy's green eyes.

"Are you alright Y/N?" Cedric asks, slowly shimmying back and forth to the music.

"No, I'm not. Ced, we need to talk." You say, feeling a deep devouring feeling of guilt in your gut, like a fire burning a sheet of paper.

"Okay. Lets go." He rushes you out into the corridor and leans against the wall, still smiling.

"You have to understand." You start, avoiding his eyes.

"What... what are you talking about?" He stutters, smile fading.

"Umm, well, last week..." You mutter, shuffling your feet and shivering at the draft.

"Well? What's wrong Y/N???" He comes forward and sets his hands comfortingly on your shoulders.

"No." You brush his hands off and blink away tears, "Cedric, Draco kissed me!" You blurt.

"...What?" You stay silent and watch his face, he moves back before tilting his head and frowning.

"And...I kissed him back. I just missed you so much-!" Cedric cuts you off, his voice cold.

"Let me get this straight. You kissed Draco?!" He asks, hurt rage burning in his eyes.

"Well he kissed me-" You rub your shoulders and bite your lip.

"I honestly don't care... Goodbye, Y/N." He shakes his head and turns on his heel.

"Wait!" You cry, not trying to hold back your emotions anymore. Pain envelopes your heart, so severe it causes you to fall down to your knees.

"This clearly won't work out. Please, leave me alone. Have a good life Y/N." He whispers, turning enough for you to see his eyes watering and his mouth barely spitting out words. Your eyes shine and you topple over onto the stone ground, not even feeling the slam as your head hits the ground. Fat, hot, salty tears stream like rivers down your rosy cheeks. Your throat feels plugged up and your eyes heavy.

"Crap." You mutter, then with a weighted heart you roll over and curl up into a ball. Your eyes softly close and with a final groan of depression, you drift into a restless sleep.

You open your eyes as you feel warm sunlight bathing you in golden light. Over you, a thick pelt had been laid, your head is on a bright green cushion. 

"W-where am I?" You ask, peaking around at your surroundings.

You are inside of a circular dorm. The floor is black marble and the beds are green and white with all sorts of personal items next to them.

"Am I...? In the Slytherin dorm?" You ask, sitting up, "Did you put sleeping potion in my drink last night?" 

"Awake. I see. Hmm maybe your right! Maybe I want to show off my potion making skills." You turn to see Malfoy's pale face on the bed to your left. You yell in fright and immediately jump out of the bed you're in, and grapple for your wand in your pocket, "It's right here Y/N." Draco scoffs, handing it to you. You grab it and begin to run out when you realize your dressed in your dress still.

"Can't go out like THAT!" Draco slides over to you and pulls you back inside of his dorm, "I arranged you some clothes." You quickly check the time. 

8:00 am

"Oh no, we have to get to class." You grab the clothes on your bed and rush into the bathroom to change. The clothes are too big, but you still slide them on anyways. You check your reflection in the mirror and watch the baggy green sweatshirt hang off your waist and your arms, white washed, sizes too big jeans make you look quite interesting but you don't have enough time to go back to your room and get your own clothes. So instead you quickly pin up your hair and head off to class in your high heels. You sprint down the hall, narrowly avoiding falling down the stairs several times before skidding into Divination.

"Hello Mrs. Y/N. Spent the night with Draco I see." Pansy spits angrily. You turn bright red and shake your head.

"No. I fell asleep in the corridor after... after..." You trail off as the force of last night hits you as hard as a pick up truck, "Well, um I don't remember." You take a deep breath and hurry awkwardly to your seat. You see Cedric's face flash in jealousy at you. You sigh, your chest hurting.

"Fine!" Pansy sighs, "I thought I smelled green apple cologne on your sweatshirt. Thats all." You close your eyes and frown.

"No." You mutter, spinning your pencil. Slowly you tune out the class and get lost in thought.

After class you stumble out of the room and run into your least favorite person. Draco Malfoy. His blonde hair is as disgusting and oily as usual. His eyes twinkle with annoying pride. 

"Hey darling. Wanna try again?" He asks his voice going low, one cold, sneaky hand moves down your jaw to your chest stroking your neck gently. While his other hand tilts your chin up to look straight into his pale face. He moves slowly closer, his lips connecting with yours. His arms move to scoop up your back and pull you in. You struggle then hear a soft grunt from behind you. You break away from Malfoy and turn around. Cedric is standing there, staring at you. You bite your lip and feel rage rising like bile. You whirl to face Draco, clench your hand into a fist and aim for his pointed nose. Your punch lands squarely on his face, he yelps in pain, jumping back from you. Cedric chuckles, before walking away. You turn around to face Draco and smile, seeing his bright red, bleeding face.   

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