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Your next class of Defense against the Dark Arts, dragged on slower than usual. You feel a new giddy excitement the closer the clock ticks to dinner. Strangely, you're unfocused as you try to pay attention to class, but you always feel distracted. Moments when you are trying to write in your notebook you end up automatically starting to sketch out a drawing of Cedric instead of writing down what you are supposed to be. Finally the dinner bell rings and you feel a twinge of nervousness as you make your way quickly out of the classroom.

"Hey!" You turn to see Draco Malfoy standing behind you holding a piece of paper. "I found this in your seat after class! And what's going on with you and Cedric?" He grins mockingly and you realize that the paper has the drawing of Cedric you made on it.

"That's none of your business Draco." You snap, reaching to take back your embarrassing sketch.

"Oh, no. I quite like this! I just might see what's inside that you want so bad Y/N!" You stare at Malfoy flustered.

"No! Give it–!" You say, trying not to yell, but before you can finish, Malfoy unfolds it and a wicked smirk spreads across his face.

"Stop it." You look to your left to see Cedric hurrying towards you, his face completely serious for once. "She asked for it back." He says calmly.

"Ooh! What is your deal? You two together?" Draco teases, holding the paper away from Diggory's hands. Your face goes red but Cedric doesn't react nor deny Draco's question. He simply comes forward and grasps the paper from Malfoy's grip.

"Please don't do that ever again." Cedric says before turning on his heel, grabbing your hand, and walking swiftly off towards the great hall. You barely have time to react. Your cheeks go even brighter pink and your heart break-dances in your chest. Your breath grows ragged and an absolutely blissful smile spreads across your features. His hand is warm and soft and it feels completely right to be holding it.

"Thank you." You say meekly as you walk through the corridor.

"No problem! I don't like it when Malfoy picks on people. But... if I can ask, what is on this paper?" You swallow hard.

"Um... it's just a drawing I did." You respond, praying he wouldn't ask what it was.

"Can I see it?" Cedric asks, turning his gray- brown eyes to you.

Your mind races.

"NO!... er I mean I guess... It's not good at all." You respond, flustered. Cedric grins then unfolds the paper. His smile widens as he sees your art.

"Y/N, this is AMAZING!! Can I keep it?" He asks. Your nervous frown fades as you hear his words.

"Sure - I mean do you think it's good??" You ask, surprised.

"Yeah it's great!" Cedric says looking completely sincere. You feel a surge of bravery burst through you and without thinking you squeeze his hand gently. He looks at you surprised, but doesn't pull away.

When you get to the great hall your head is spinning. You sit down next to Cedric and gather some food onto your plate, even though you aren't even hungry. Cedric inquires you all night, asking you things like,

"Dog or cat? What's your preference?" and, "What's your favorite color?" You would respond and Cedric would agree. You can't help thinking about how much you have in common with him.

After dinner is finished you stand up and thank Cedric for giving you a friend today. He stands up with you and gently grabs your arm to stop you from walking away.

"Wait, Y/N. Could we possibly hang out tomorrow?" You turn around beating down an excited squeal.
"Yes! I think I might like that." Butterflies erupt in your stomach as Cedric's eyes connect meaningfully with yours.

Cedric Diggory: Spinning in CirlcesWhere stories live. Discover now