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Tonight there are knocks at your door. All from the snake who'd kissed his old best friend IN FRONT YOU. 

"Wait, Y/N, I love you. Just let me explain."  - Cedric Diggory 11:00pm

"Y/N please!" - Cedric Diggory 12:30am

"Charlotte's worse than I thought, I'm sorry." - Cedric Diggory 3:00am (The devil's hour! No wonder this was the comment when he mentioned Charlotte's name!) 

"Just pretend he doesn't exist." You say to yourself, although tears well in your eyes, "Then lose him over summer." 

He continued to knock far into the morning. Keeping you from sleeping. I need him to lose me too. I have to tell him SOMETHING. I don't want to see him again, EVER. 

So finally, at 5:40am, you rise out of bed. You stumble over to the door to put an end to the drama. You fling open the door, wiping your tears and take a deep breath, 

"I'm leaving Hogwarts. I'm not coming back. Don't wait for me. Just forget we ever happened." You growl, an uncomfortable feeling of pain shocking through you. This isn't what you want. 

"No, you can't... but if it would be better for you? Then, okay."  He paused, then turned and walked away. Slumping his shoulders, and crossing his arms as if to hug himself. You immediately feel horrible. This ache of longing for Cedric to come back, for things to go back to how they were before Draco, before Charlotte. It hurt more than if you'd broken a bone, no... it hurt because it isn't a bone broken. It's a heart. Your heart. 

Cedric Diggory: Spinning in CirlcesWhere stories live. Discover now