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Next day

//Festival night//

"Don't kill anyone here, okay ?" I looked at him in disbelief. "Am I insane ?"
"You really become insane on the battlefield. Anyway I'm going there, let's meet here after we're done." With that he walked to the crowd. I sighed and looked around to find something interesting.

Taehyung's Pov;

After seeing Princess Rozelle in the Noon, my heart is flipping. She's really beautiful. I wish I could become her personal knight and spend my whole life near her. I know I can't marry her because she's a princess and I'm a commoner but still my heart does weird things only to hear her name. Maybe she's already in love with someone..........

I was lost in my thoughts when I saw a man beating a little boy. I ran to them but to my surprise a girl approached them first. Her face was covered and she's wearing an odd dress.

She kicked that man in her tummy and he fell on the ground. I ran faster to them and held the little boy in my arms. The little boy started to cry more.

"And who are you ?" She asked me. Her voice was cold. "I asked you." She was ready to attack me but I surrendered myself.
"Wait.....I'm here to help." I blurted out.

"What was happening here?" I asked the boy."He was stealing my money."

"He's a robber. I was taking my money back!" That man stood up from the ground and glared at us.
"Where are you parents, boy ?" She asked him.

"I don't have any. I'm working with the merchants and got my wages today. He was asking me to give my money to him but I refused and he started to beat me." He snuggled his face in my knees.
"He - he's lying !"

"Let me take you to the royal guards, they'll find out the truth." She held his collar and was about to drag him but I stopped her. "Wait......I'll take him to the guards. You take care of this boy, I'll be right back."

"How can I believe you that you aren't an accomplice to him?"
"What ? I'm becoming a knight very soon, trust me."
"Follow me. " She dragged the man with her and I followed her with the little boy in my arms.


After handing that man to the guards and leaving the little boy in a safe place we're alone in the middle of the street. She seems dangerous.

"So....um.....you don't look like you're from here." She glanced at me. Her eyes are sharp like a sword. "I don't feel the need to tell you anything."
She said and started to walk away. I held her arm and it was the most regretful moment of my life. She punched my handsome face. My nose started to bleed. "Ouch !" I whimpered.

"Do you wanna die ? How dare you touch me !" Something about the way she said that made my skin grow cold. "I'm sorry." I held my nose.

- Meanwhile -

Jimin's pov;

I saw Y/n talking to a guy. I can't see his face. Looks like she's having fun. She should thank me later.

"When can we meet again, Jim ?" She traced her finger down my chest. "Very soon, dear." I pulled her close by waist.

Y/n's pov;

Dare to touch My Husband and you're D*ad/BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now