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// The next day //

Y/n's pov;

"Do you want to make this dress in your favorite color, my lady?" The seamstress asked me. Taehyung sent a seamstress early in the morning for my dress for the birthday banquet. I'm not used to these kinds of things. The seamstress had handed me a catalog but I don't know what dress to choose. 

"I think our lord has a hidden treasure." Jungkook whispered. "Don't use your mouth and help me to select a dress." He frowned and put his hands in the air, surrendering himself. "I can't. I don't know women's fashion……Why don't you take help from your husband?" I closed the catalog. "Where is Taehyung?" I asked the servant. 

"Lord Taehyung is in the training ground." I got up from my seat to meet Taehyung. He should help me after all he has dropped this problem on me.

// Training ground //

Taehyung was fighting with a knight. That knight attacked Taehyung with his sword and Taehyung blocked it. That knight has more strength, he kept pushing his sword that made Taehyung stumble and he fell on the ground. That knight pointed his sword at his face. 

" You shouldn't do a match with us next time, my lord." That knight warned Taehyung. He helped Taehyung to get up. "Let's take a break, everyone." Taehyung announced and walked outside. 

- Meanwhile -

Y/n and Jungkook watched the whole scene. "Summon that knight in my room."

"Yes, master." He walked inside the ground. 


"You summoned me, my lady." He bowed to her. She was sitting on the couch, her right leg was folded over the left one to show superiority. "Get up !" She commanded him. His gaze was still on the ground thinking what possible reason is there for him to be summoned like this. 

"As far as I remember you were working in the Imperial palace before coming here. Am I right?"

"Yes. I've been a knight in the Imperial palace. I've served you in many wars." She got up from her seat and stepped towards him. "What's your name?"

"It's Liam, lady." She stopped a step away from him and grabbed his jaw. He didn't fight back. She tightened her grip around his jaw. "How dare you speak like so impudently to your lord ?" Her voice was calm but still enough to send shivers. 

"I'm asking you something." She kicked his knee and he fell on the ground. " Forgive my insolence but he didn't deserve to marry her ladyship. He is not worthy to become our commander."

" Don't forget what your job is. You've to serve the lord and lady of Solan palace no matter what. If you don't like to serve the lord then resign before I cut this tongue of yours." 

"Forgive me, lady. I want to serve her ladyship. I can't resign." She rolled her eyes and crouched down to his level. "You can't serve me while being rude to my husband. You need to change your attitude." 

"I'd take any punishment." He determinedly said. "Serve in the kitchen for two weeks. If you still don't regain your senses then you can leave Solan palace." He nodded in response. "You can go back now." He got up and walked outside after bowing. 

"There was only one knight today. Day by day the number of people will increase. Will you kick out everyone then ?" Jungkook asked her. "Of Course. Who can't respect their master will be kicked  out." Jungkook sighed while being done with her. 


Seokjin was outside when he spotted the knight coming from Y/n's room. "Is she provoking them to go against Taehyung?" He chuckled bitterly. 

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