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One month later ~

It is the hunting day. All nobles from the Empire were present there. Everyone was excited to participate in the competition.

"Good luck, sister. " He hopped up on his horse. Drums started to make noise indicating that the competition had started.


Before sunset everyone was standing with their prey. The servants were counting the number of preys everyone had. After a while, it was time for the result. 

"Duke Carhel holds the 4th position with 35 preys." Knight Yoongi started to announce the result. "Princess Y/n holds the 3rd position with 42 preys. Count Nichol holds the 2nd position with 50 preys. And……Prince Jimin holds the 1st position with 68 preys." 

"No one can beat me in archery." He grinned and walked forth to receive his prize. 

"You did well, master." A deep voice came from my behind. " Are you trying to console me, Jungkook?" I turned to face him. He was standing very close to me. "I'm telling the truth but if it came out as something comforting then I'm glad."

"I don't need you for the rest of the day. You're free to do anything." I walk away from him. 

// Jimin's bedroom//

"He isn't throwing a banquet for my son ?!" Here we go again. My mother is whining again. What's the point of celebrating things ? "Mother, I want a good night's sleep. Can you return to your bedroom?" She is pissed off. I'm not getting any sleep tonight. 

"How rude of you, Jimin. Why do you think I'm doing this ?"
"I know you're doing it for me but it's making me sick. You're continuously whining over little things."
"Fine then, I won't interrupt your life. Don't come begging me to help you later." She walked outside. She knows how to ruin anyone's mood. 


Y/n's Pov;

I came outside to get some fresh air but I met Jungkook here. Why him? "Were you following me ? I thought I'm free to do anything." He asked about being innocent.

"I didn't know you're here." I sat down on the grass and looked over the sky filled with stars. "Do you want to drink with me?"
"So you can kill me while I'm drunk?"
"I won't kill you when you're drunk."
"So you will kill me, huh ?" He rolled his eyes and faced me. "I told you I'll be loyal to you as my punishment."

"I don't need a pet. Do you really like being here ? I gave you a chance to leave your past."

"I can't leave my past even if I want to. I can't leave those faces who were begging me to save their families." Agony was visible in his voice. "Won't killing me will solve your problems ?" I seriously want him to end my life because I don't have the courage to do so.

"It's not easy as you think." He smiled half heartedly. "I wish I was born as a commoner. At Least I would've been enjoying my life. "

"Being a commoner isn't easy either. As a part of the royal family you got many privileges but when you're a commoner you've to earn everything. No one would be happy even if you win a war for them. They'll try to suppress you." I chuckled on his statement. 

"Good night. Have fun with yourself." I got up from the ground and walked away.

//Y/n's bedroom//

"What are you doing here ?" I walked inside only to find Jimin in my room. "Let's drink." He showed me a bottle of wine. "What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Let's just drink." He poured the wine in two glasses. "Fine but you can't sleep in my room like last time." He nodded and chugged the drink. 

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