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Y/n's pov;

Someone came inside my room……..now another person walked inside. I can hear their footsteps. I slowly opened my eyes. 

"Good morning, princess." A maid said and smiled. "There are a lot of gifts for your coming of age cereal." I roamed my eyes around the room and found a lot of gifts. 

"Would you like to have breakfast first?" She asked and I nodded in response. My body feels exhausted like I've woken up from a long dream. My body feels different today. 

• Training grounds •

"Master !" I bowed to Master Han Seol. "I've officially become a knight." Yoongi said proudly. 

"Master, can I also become a knight after my coming of age event? I want to join the knighthood as soon as possible."

"You've to impress the Emperor first."

"But why? Other knights can join whenever they want. why do I've to impress him ?"

"They're not royals but you're. A princess going into the battlefield, eating with other knights, how would it look ?"

"How can I impress him ? I don't know what he likes or what not."

"He likes the Empress. I can't help you after this." I nodded. "Let's start your practice !"


"Your highness, princess Y/n has requested an audience. " Empress Do - Hyun gave her permission to enter. The princess walked inside and greeted the Empress. 

"Would you like some tea, princess ?" The Empress asked and got a nod in the response.

"Can I ask a favor?" The Empress smiled warmly and gestured to her to continue speaking. "I want to join the knighthood and for that I need the Emperor's permission. I'm certain he won't allow me to join it."

"How can I help you then ?"

"Can you come to the training ground with the Emperor when I'm practicing? If he sees me winning against other knights then he would change his mind."

"I appreciate your thoughts but don't you think you should wait a few years more until you grow up ? Going on a battle will put your life in danger."

"Doesn't the coming of age day ceremony mean we've grown up? Sister Chae Won was married after her coming of age day ceremony." The Empress smiled at her response. 

"I'll come tomorrow with the Emperor."

"Thank you so much, your highness. I will repay you one day."


"Have you selected a dress for the banquet?" Jimin asked me. "No, I didn't. It'd be the first banquet without sister Chae -won."

"Should I help you then ?" I nodded. "Would you dance with me at the banquet?"

"Brother Hoojin asked me first. But I can dance with you after dancing with brother Hoojin."

"Okay. I'll make sure to ask you first next time. Show me your closet."

The next day ~

Training grounds •

"Strike again. Fabulous!" Han Seol clapped. "Whom do you want to spar with, Y/n?" He asked.

"I want to spar with you, master." He nodded and pulled out his sword. By that time the Emperor and the Empress arrived there. All the knights greeted them.

Dare to touch My Husband and you're D*ad/BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now