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Taehyung's pov;

The next day we invited the master to the palace. I and Y/n are standing outside to welcome him. As he walked inside, Y/n knelt down to greet him. "Thank you master for teaching my husband." He patted her head. "Get up, lady Y/n. I don't want to spend my time here in the dungeon making the lady knelt before me." She got up and it was my turn to greet him. I greeted him and we walked inside. "Would you like to have dinner in the garden?" Y/n asked him. "I would love it."

Sophie arranged our dinner in the garden. Master was quite impressed with our garden. I told him that Y/n had taken care of the garden. "I'm impressed by your work, my lady. Seems like the Lord has changed you in many ways."

"Yes, all these changes are for good." He smiled and nodded. "Please visit this old man sometime. Yoongi doesn't come to meet me and I feel so bored. My grandson is so irresponsible."

"Why don't you stay with us?" She suggested. "I've a shop to take care of in the village. I can't stay outside for a long time." She nodded and continued to eat. "Thank you for having me here. I feel delighted."

- The next day -

• Imperial palace •

The Emperor asked an audience with me in the morning. Crown Prince Jimin and a few ministers are also present there. I greeted the Emperor. "It's time for you to perform your duties, Lord Taehyung."

"What can I do for you, your highness?" I bowed a little to him. "We're losing our people in the west. There is a dragon that has been killing the public there. I've sent many troops there but no one succeeded to kill that dragon. You've to kill that dragon and bring his heart to me. You can take the best knights with you for this mission. You're the commander of Tarrin's knights, I hope you succeed." He dropped a bomb on me.

"Leave for this mission as soon as possible." I bowed to him. "Yes, your highness."

• Solan palace •

I don't know how to tell Y/n that I'm leaving the palace for some time. We haven't even got the chance to go on our honeymoon. I walked inside our room and she was standing there like she had been waiting for me. "How can you accept this mission? What does the Emperor think of himself?!" Oh no, she already knows it. She is furious and why not. We probably will never meet.

"Tell him you aren't going there ! Go tell him, Taehyung!" I held her shoulders. "Calm down, Y/n."

"How am I supposed to calm down in this situation?!" She closed her eyes. "I'm the commander, I've to lead my knights. I can't back off. I've got enough training from my master."

"Nobody was able to kill him. How can he recklessly make this decision?"

"Believe in me, Y/n -" She cut me off in the middle. "When are you leaving?"

"I haven't fixed any day yet but we'll leave as soon as possible." She stormed outside. I didn't follow her. She needs some time to calm down. I want to spend my remaining time with her.

Y/n's pov;

I sat under a tree in the garden. I closed my eyes and leaned backwards. I have to stop Taehyung somehow. Will he listen to his uncle? Should I have brought him here ? Will he listen to his brother Seokjin? I should probably talk to Seokjin. I was in my thoughts when I felt someone's presence around me. I opened my eyes and it was Jungkook.

"Haven't you seen here for a long time here at this time." He sat in front of me. "What made you upset ? Let me guess.....probably because Taehyung is going to stay away from you for some time ?" Does it seem funny to him ?

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