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Taehyung's pov;

I got outside the carriage which was sent to me by the Emperor. I took a deep breath to calm myself. I didn't bring my uncle and brother Jin with me. I'm feeling nervous. I looked here and there, nobody was there to receive me. The servants and guards were shooting daggers in my direction like I'm an enemy.

Yesterday, when I got the letter from the royal palace I thought it was some kind of mistake. How can they summon me for marriage purposes? But when a royal carriage was sent to my house in the morning, I found out that it wasn't a mistake.

"Kim Taehyung?" A well-built knight asked me. "Y - yes." He extended his hand and I shook it. "I'm Min Yoongi, the personal knight of the Emperor. I'll escort you to the palace." I nodded and started to follow him.

The palace was mesmerizing. It was speaking that everyone has worked hard on making it. I saw a garden on the left side. It was so pretty. There were different flowers.

As we entered inside, the shining of the gold was making me blind. I could've never imagined stepping inside this heavenly place.

"We're here." We stopped in front of a room. The door was closed. "Do I have to go alone?" He nodded and gestured for me to go inside. I walked inside, it was like a study room. I saw the Emperor sitting on a chair on the left side of the room. I knelt down.

"At ease." His voice was deep. I quickly got up. His gaze was on the papers in his hands. He gestured to me to sit on the chair.

"So, you're Kim Taehyung?." Finally he placed the papers on the table and looked at me. I was burning under his gaze. I nodded in response to his question. "I'll give you 20 horses, 50,000 gold coins, a palace.....and you'll be the leader of all the knights. Consider it a wedding gift." He spoke as it was nothing for him.

"Wedding gift?." I asked and he chuckled. "Don't you know why I summoned you here ?."

"I know but......how can I marry a princess ? I'm just a mere knight."

"I saw potential in you, that is why you'll lead the other knights. " Potential? Why is he giving so many things to marry her daughter? There's something fishy. Is the princess cursed or insane ?

"You can meet the princess." Already ? Is it allowed to meet her before marriage?

// Dining room//

Everyone was eating quietly. Although the queens didn't agree to eat with a commoner, they couldn't go against the Emperor.

Taehyung's pov;

She looks pretty. I was taking glances at the princess. She is so elegant. As I raised my head to look at her, the prince beside her saw me. He glared at me and I quickly lowered my head. I can't put myself in any danger in the palace.

"Y/n, show Taehyung around." The Emperor said and princess Y/n got up from her seat. I got up too. She walked outside and I was following her when all the princes blocked my way.

"You aren't her husband yet. Don't dare to try anything stupid." The eldest prince warned me. "I hope you keep her happy." The 2nd prince said with a smile but it was more likely a warning. "Sister Y/n will chop you like onions if you hurt her." The youngest prince said. He was looking so cute while warning me.


I was quietly following the princess. Her personal knight was glaring at me. First her brothers and now this knight. Oh God, please help me to reach home safely.

"My sister has planted all the flowers here." She finally spoke. Why do I get a feeling like I've met her before ? But I have never been to this Empire before. "This garden is pretty. Her work paid off." I answered and she turned back.

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