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• In the garden •

"To what I owe the pleasure of seeing this beautiful face in the morning?" She walked in the direction of Rozelle. Sophie and Jungkook were following her. Princess Rozelle stood up. "Pardon my intrusion, Lady Y/n. I wanted to invite you and the lord to my birthday banquet."

"Oh my, you didn't have to come here for a trivial thing like this. Sophie, where are your manners ? Serve the tea to our lovely princess. " Sophie apologized and served the tea to both of them. "I hope you come to the banquet." She smiled. "Sure, we would be there since the princess personally came here to invite us." She took a sip of her tea.

"This banquet isn't to steal my husband, is it ?"

"No, my lady. Why would I snatch your husband? You may be upset with me because of my father's proposal. But I promise I won't come between you and the Lord."

"So, you don't like Taehyung?"

"I adore him. He is strong and a handsome man."

"Is that enough reason to marry someone ?" Her gaze was piercing Rozelle's soul. "Did you marry him because you loved him?" She didn't answer her. "I'm sure I'll also start to love him with the passage of time."

"Let me make it clear, I can't stand another woman beside my husband. I won't allow him to share his love with another woman. You should find someone else for you. Isn't it unfair that you'll marry a man who is already married? What will you gain ?"

"I can't do anything. It's my father's choice. Even If I refuse he'll make the Lord marry me."

"I'll handle the Duke. Refrain from lingering around Taehyung."

"I wish you luck. Even if I get married to the Lord, I would never take your place."

• The Imperial palace •

"Lady Y/n has come." The guard informed as she walked inside the room. She knelt down before the Emperor. "Rise up." He said and she stood up. Crown Prince Jimin was there with the Emperor.

"Shouldn't we talk in the garden with some tea, father ? My dear sister has come back home after a long time." He suggested. "I won't take too much of your time, your highness."

"What is the matter ?" The Emperor asked.

"I came here to bring your attention towards the award for my husband. He has proved his strength by killing the dragon and saving the people in the East. Please promote him."

"What title do you want for him ? Baron or Viscount ?" Prince Jimin asked. She looked at him and he smirked.

"Grand Duke." She answered. "It's impossible, Y/n. No matter what Taehyung has done, I can't give the title of Grand Duke. Besides, the Grand Duke is still alive."

"I'm sure the Grand Duke hasn't killed any dragon to deserve this title. Tell him to strip down his rank."

"Nobody will accept Taehyung as the Grand Duke. I can't make any decisions by myself. I've to listen to the others too."

"Why don't you ask the public?..... He has to please the public with his work, not the royals. Let's vote and see the result."

"I can't do this, Y/n. I can only make him Baron or Viscount." He pinched his nose bridge. "You didn't listen to anyone while fixing my marriage to a common knight. If you can make that decision by yourself then why not this ?" Her voice was stern. Her head was high, directly looking at the Emperor. The Emperor never saw this side of her. She was always quite like a loyal dog, obeying all of his orders.

Dare to touch My Husband and you're D*ad/BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now