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"Y/n !" Taehyung followed her to the outside. "Why did you.......you said you're fine with brother Jin joining the knighthood. Then why ?" Disappointment and anger was visible in his voice. And why not it was affecting his relationship with his brother.

" I still stand on my statement. If you give Sir Seokjin a private room in the palace then others will demand it too. Do you also wish for a separate bedroom, Jungkook?"

"Yes, master. I want a fluffy and soft bed. Are you giving me a room ?" He was enthusiastic. "See. I know he's your family and you want the best for them but you can't rule like this. You'll lose something with the gain of power. It's nature's rule. You can't trust everyone like you used to when you didn't have any power. You're the lord so act like one. The safety of Solan's people is in your hands." Her statement made Taehyung think.

"As I said, it's your brother's choice whether to stay here or not. You don't have to give pressure to your brain." Taehyung closed his eyes and took a deep breath to clear his thoughts. He didn't say anything and walked away.

"Woah.... your words are sharper than the tip of your sword, master."


"Brother Jin ! Can we talk ?" Taehyung was standing behind him. Seokjin turned in his direction and walked towards him. "What is it Taehyung?"

"I'm sorry for suggesting you join our force without asking you. It was a hasty decision. You don't have to hold it for me. Don't join our force if you don't want to. I don't want you to regret your decision. " Seokjin patted his shoulder. "I want to join it, Taehyung. I want to stay by your side to protect you and to guide you. I was living in the quarters while serving in the north. So, don't worry."

"I want to protect someone else, brother. Can you protect her ? Can you become her personal knight ?"

"Me ? Are you sure ? She already has her personal knight."

"I don't know anything about Jungkook nor have I seen him fighting. I can entrust her security with you only. So, please protecther."

"You're the lord and your wish is my command."


Taehyung was ready to leave for the Imperial palace when he saw a royal carriage inside the castle. He got off his horse and walked towards the carriage. Duchess Chae won with her knight and a lady was standing near the carriage.

"Greetings to the duchess." He bowed to her. "How have you been, Lord Taehyung?"

"I'm all good, your highness."

"I hope my sister isn't giving you a hard time."

"Not at all. Allow me to escort you inside." She extended her hand in his direction and he accepted it. They started to walk inside while talking. "Who's this lady with you, your highness?"

"She's my lady- in - waiting." Taehyung was confused so she cleared it for her. "It's like a personal maid. She'll make sure I'm comfortable outside the palace. Do you wish to recruit a lady - in - waiting for, Y/n?" He nodded.

"I don't think she would agree. But I'll send someone to you. You can take her interview and if you don't like her then I'll find another candidate."

"I'm grateful. Thank You very much." They stopped in front of his room. " She's inside. I've to go to the palace so I will be leaving now. I hope you have a great time here." She walked inside the room.

Y/n spotted her and ran towards her to hug her. "How are you ?"

"I'm fine, sister. I didn't know you would ever come to meet me."

Dare to touch My Husband and you're D*ad/BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now