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The next day ~

"My Lord, Queen Ha Rin is nowhere to be found." Sophie informed him. She was anxious. "What ?" His brain freezed for a moment. 

"She left this letter for you." He took the letter from her and started to read it.

When you find this letter, I must be gone. Thank you so much for letting me stay here…….I cursed you and hated you all my life for ruining Y/n's status. But when I needed support you helped me. I will never forget your generosity. 

                      I think I know now why Y/n never wanted to leave you even when everyone told her that you'll never return after killing the dragon. I never provided any love or affection to Y/n nor his father did anything for her. I hope she gets everything by your side. 

                  Please don't try to find me. I'm not a Queen anymore. I'll try to start a new phase of my life. I hope you and Y/n stay happy and healthy forever. 

                                             ~ Ha - Rin

"Don't worry about her. You can return to your work."

"Yes, your lordship."

A few days later ~

Y/n's pov;

Everything was settled down between me and Taehyung. We're enjoying our days peacefully with each other. He is trying to spend more time with me by sending William alone to the Imperial palace. I hope we can continue to live peacefully.

"My Lord, Sir Yoongi from the Imperial palace has come to deliver an important message to you." Robin informed us. What could it be ? 

Taehyung allowed Sir Yoongi to come inside. He bowed to us. "I came here with good news." Is it what I think it is ? 

"His highness has been promoted to the Grand Duke! If you are ready to accept it then tell me right away so that they can decide a day for your coronation. If you need some time to think then it's also fine."

"Grand Duke ? Me ? How ?" I patted his shoulder. "You've killed the dragon, Taehyung. You deserve this promotion."

"How can I go against the Emperor?"

"That's great. I should go back to announce your decision to his highness. We'll meet soon at your coronation." He bowed and walked outside. He is happier than us. 

"Congratulations, my Lord. I wish you all the best for your new journey." Robin wiped his tears. He is old and tears up at all happy moments. "Prepare the best dress for your Grand Duchess." Sophie vigorously nodded. 

"Will you leave the Solan palace?" Sophie asked. I nodded in response. She seems upset. "What is bothering you ?"

"I'll miss you, my lady."

"Why would you miss me ?"

"You'll have a new lady - in - waiting."

"Who said ? Everyone who is working here will follow us to the new palace. How can you think that I would leave you here ? We all are a family." She teared up but didn't forget to give me a smile. 

"Prepare the best clothes for yourself and for all other employees. Even though they can't join us in the coronation, we can celebrate it in the new palace."

"Yes, my lady." 

"Did you do this ?" Taehyung asked me. "Yes, I did. I just asked for a promotion that my husband deserved." He laughed and kissed my forehead. "Shouldn't we invite your uncle to the new palace ?"

Dare to touch My Husband and you're D*ad/BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now