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// Royal palace //

"Brother Jin !" He ran to them. " How are you doing here, Taehyung?" His uncle asked him with a smile. He also flashed a smile in response. "I'm doing well. Let me give you a tour of this place." He dragged both of them with him. He was happy to see his family with him in the palace. 

"I feel like I'm in heaven." His uncle expressed. "Thanks to Taehyung, I got a chance to see heaven while I'm alive." 

"How do you know the princess?" His brother asked him in a serious tone. He wasn't pleased with this palace. "I didn't know her before. Everything was arranged by the Emperor himself." 

Seokjin's pov;

They can fool Taehyung but not me. I'll find out about the princess and the reason why she agreed to marry him. Something is fishy about the princess. No noble in their right mind can marry a commoner. 

As we were walking, I spotted a princess and her knight walking in our direction. Is she the princess who's getting married to Taehyung? Or is she another princess? My thoughts came to a halt when she stopped in front of us.

"Who are they?" She asked Taehyung. "He's my uncle and he is my brother Kim Seokjin. And she is princess Y/n." Taehyung introduced us and we greeted her. 

"I hope you enjoy your stay here. I won't disrupt your family time so please excuse me." We nodded and she walked away with her knight. 

"Let me show you your rooms." Taehyung was excited to show us our rooms. 


"Why did you call for me, sister?" Duchess Chae Won held her shoulders. "Seamstress is coming in the evening for your wedding dress." 

"Why don't we visit her before she comes here?" Her sister flashed a big smile and made her twirl. There was a look of ecstasy on her face.

"If that's it I'd like to take my leave now. I've to go to the training ground." Her sister held her hands. The look of ecstasy vanished from her face. "Would you tell him who you are ?"

"What do you mean who I'm?"

"That you're officially a knight. I've forbidden everyone to talk about your sword ship. I saw Taehyung searching for a female knight the other night."

"I'd definitely tell him the truth before our marriage." Her sister closed her eyes. "A person who kills one person is a murderer, but does killing countless people make them a hero ?....That title is meaningless."

"Are you saying I shouldn't tell him that I killed countless people? He's going to become my husband and he's a right to know who his wife is." 

"I'm not saying to hide it forever. But it's not the right time. Taehyung looks fine and innocent from the outside but we don't know what he's like. What if he uses it against you in the future ?"

"I know where it's coming from, sister……but I can protect myself." She gently rubbed his hand to assure her. "Didn't you want to live a different life, Y/n? Think of it as your second birth and start a new life as a normal princess……..I just want to see you happy. I don't want you to end up like me. I don't want him to use you." Tears brimmed in her eyes. Y/n pulled her in a hug and rubbed her back.

"If my sister wants to hide it then I'll. Get ready, we'll have to visit the seamstress."

- In the evening -

// Taehyung's bedroom //

"I can't believe we ate with the Emperor. The food was marvelous. I can still feel the taste on my tongue." Taehyung just laughed at his uncle's expressions. 

Dare to touch My Husband and you're D*ad/BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now