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Y/n's pov;

The next day I woke up with a girl calling herself my lady in - waiting beside me. Why does Taehyung appoint her when I don't need her ? He's spoiling me so much. I don't know if I should be happy or mad at this point.

"What did you say your name is ?" I asked her while massaging my temple. "Sophie, my lady." She answered with a smile. She's young and cute. I wonder if she knows how to work. Well, I'm not planning to make her work too much though.

"Why is he here, master ?" Jungkook asked me about being pissed off with Seokjin's presence. "He's my personal knight from today."

"Why him ? Are you going to throw me out of the palace ?"

"No. You both will work together as my personal knights. Don't ask me anything."

"Why do these things concern you, sir Jungkook? You're just a knight here." Well done, Sir Seokjin. Why does everyone present here want to piss me off ?!

"Leave me alone, EVERYONE !" I emphasize the word "everyone."

"But -" Jungkook tried to protest but I cut him off. "Did you hear me ? Leave !" He clenched his jaw and walked outside with others.

Seokjin's pov;

"Why do you keep calling her master?" He wiggled his eyebrows and stood straight in front of me blocking my way. "Why are you prying my life?"

"I'm just curious." I tried to stay calm. " I don't feel the need to explain anything to you." He turned in the opposite direction of me and walked away making sure to bump into my shoulder. Still acting like a child.......

"Why did you agree to become her personal knight ?" He spoke from my behind. I thought he had already left. "Taehyung wanted me to protect her."

"Protect from who ?" He knows how to get on someone's nerves. "I don't know. Why don't you ask him ?" I smiled a little.

"Good idea. And.......it's lord for you not Taehyung. " He said and finally walked away. I would've never agreed to become her personal knight but It's best to keep an eye on her. I've to protect my brother from these people.


Y/n's pov;

Finally the most awaited day, Beom's birthday has come. Our carriage arrived near the entrance of the Imperial palace. "Lord Taehyung and Lady Y/n has arrived!" The guards informed about our presence. Our carriage passed them and we entered inside, welcomed by the sound of drums.

Taehyung got outside the carriage and stretched out his hand for me. I placed my hand on his and walked outside the carriage. It's been a long time since I came here. I wonder if everything is still the same as I left before.

"I personally came to escort you, my lady." Sir Yoongi bowed to us. "How have you been, my lady ?" He asked.

"As you can see I'm very well as I was before. I hope you didn't miss me so much." He smiled. "Please, I was bawling my eyes out. Honestly, everyone missed you. I wish I could leave my job and stay at Solan Palace."

"Keep it low, Sir Yoongi. What if someone hears you ? They'll put you in the dungeon." Taehyung is looking at our faces. Maybe he didn't expect me to talk casually to a knight.

"Pardon me. But I think you should escort us inside now. I'm getting impatient to see the birthday boy." He apologized and walked ahead of us as we followed him.

The palace was beautifully decorated from inside. It's Taehyung's first time attending a banquet. I hope he enjoys it and we can dance later. Suddenly a knight approached us. "The Emperor summoned you, Lord." I nodded to Taehyung to go and he walked away.

Dare to touch My Husband and you're D*ad/BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now