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It is another beautiful day which Taehyung is spending by catching fishes. He was sweating since he's been doing it for God knows how many hours. He threw the net in the water and walked outside the river.

"It's been two weeks, master. How long do I've to do this ?" He asked, being impatient. "It's a part of your training. Continue." Hanseok answered and laid on the ground. Taehyung wants to leave this place but he also wants to master sword wielding. He gave up the thought of leaving this place and continued to catch the fishes.

"Grandpa, you're here !" SIr Yoongi walked towards the river. Taehyung turned back to see who had come. "Lord Taehyung? You......."Sir Yoongi scanned Taehyung from head to toe. "What are you doing here, lord ?"

"He's my new disciple." His grandfather answered him. "Do you know who he is ? If the princess found out you're forcing the lord to catch fishes she'll chop our heads." His grandfather shook his head. "Y/n uses her brain before taking any step. Moreover I haven't forced him, he came to me and asked me to teach him."

"It's true, Sir Yoongi." Taehyung retorted. "Since you've traveled a long way here, I'll cook something for you. Help Taehyung and then you both can eat something. " He patted Yoongi's shoulder and walked away. Yoongi sighed and removed his Cape before walking inside the water.

"Thank You for helping me......Can you keep this a secret from Y/n ? I don't want her to find out about my training. I want to give her a surprise."

"I'll keep it a secret. I'm very happy to see you working hard on your weakness. Most of the people just grab the opportunity to get a higher position and don't do anything to deserve it." He held the stick and attacked on a fish, piercing the stick through the fish. "When I started to take training from my grandpa, I also thought that catching fish was useless. But it turned out to be a great help."

"Really ?" Taehyung was surprised. "Yes. I hope you achieve your goal. I hope you finish your training the next time when I come back home then we can have a duel."

"I'm looking forward to it." Taehyung smiled. Yoongi looked up at the sky. It was bright like the day when princess Y/n came to get training there. Those memories started to play in his mind.

"Who is he ?" Little Y/n asked Yoongi. "Greetings, princess." He bowed to her. "How is that man related to you?" She pointed at Sir Hanseok, the captain of the elite Imperial knights.

"He is my grandfather." Yoongi answered her. "Can you schedule a meeting with your grandfather?"

"You're a princess, I don't think there's a need to schedule a meeting."

"Nobody treats me like a princess. Can you help me to meet him ? I can't approach him since he is always with other knights. I'll pay you in return for your help." Yoongi shook his head. "You don't have to pay me. I'll bring my grandfather here. Wait here." He ran to his grandfather. After a few minutes he came back holding his grandfather's hand.

"Please drop the formalities. I'd like to ask you a favor." Hanseok moved his head upward and his eyes met hers. Her eyes were filled with different emotions. "What is it that you want me to do princess?" He asked her.

"Teach me swordsmanship !" She sternly replied. His mouth was wide open. "How can I? I'm just a knight."

"Please.....I need to learn it. No one can help me instead of you. I beg you. I'll do everything you'll tell me to do. I promise to repay you after I grow up." She knelt down on the ground. Hanseok ran to pick her up. "I can't do it without the Emperor's permission. He'll execute me if he gets to know about this."

"He doesn't care about me. He won't do anything to you. I'll take all the responsibility." Little did he know that she couldn't take responsibility for this. It'd be like putting his life at risk. "Why do you want to learn it ?"

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