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6 months later ~

• Solan palace •

It's been 7 months since Lord Taehyung and other knights have gone to kill the dragon. We've found many corpses buried I'm the snow. Some bodies of the knights haven't been found yet. I'm afraid to say but I don't think Lord Taehyung can make it back. 
         It must have been hard for you to live there without your husband. You should come back to the Imperial palace. It's your home. You're still young and at the age to enjoy your life. I wish you to consider a second marriage. If you want to wait then we can wait another month for Taehyung's return. If he doesn't return and you keep waiting, you'll neither be a married woman nor a widow. I hope you made your decision as soon as possible. 

                                         ~ Your father. 

Y/n's pov;
"Your father ? Since when ?" I tore apart the letter. I'm not going to marry anyone. You've to return soon, Taehyung. I need you beside me.

"Master !!!" Jungkook ran inside. "Why are you in a rush ?"

"Lord Taehyung is returning back! When a few knights went to collect the corpses they found Lord Taehyung and his companions." I pressed my lips in a thin line. Taehyung is alive. "He's coming back with a victory!"

"When will he come back ?" I asked him. "I think it'll take a week. The Emperor is throwing a banquet for his victory." Taehyung would spend a night at the Imperial palace with other knights after returning. And the next day he'll do a march in the town wearing the royal color. 

"Let's prepare for your Lord's victory." He nodded and walked outside. 

2 days later •

I couldn't sleep at night in excitement to see Taehyung. I don't know how I'll spend the entire week. It's midnight and I'm still awake sitting on the bed. The moon is full outside. I walked to the window to feel the cold breeze. Suddenly the room was filled with the smell of blood. A pair of hands engulfed me. I flinched. I felt a wet kiss on my neck and that person finally spoke up.

"Did you miss me ?" His voice was deep and hoarse. I turned back and embraced him. He giggled. "Am I dreaming ?" I asked him.

"No, you aren't. I'm real. I made everyone cover the distance faster. We skipped sleeping. I did it to meet you as soon as possible." He broke the hug and pressed his lips on her. His clothes were stained with blood. His body was cold. "I was waiting for you. Everyone was telling me that you won't come back."

"I made a promise to you. How can I break it ?.....By the way, can you wait for a while? I have to take a bath." I nodded. 

Few minutes later ~

"I told Sophie to bring your dinner here. Didn't you have to stay at the Imperial palace today ?" He sat beside me and joined his forehead with mine. "I don't think he would mind me staying here. I'm a war hero after all."

"Where is your handkerchief that I gave you?"

"I lost it while walking towards the cave. I tried to find it but I think it got buried under the snow." He pulled out a pendant from his pocket. There was a blue stone hanging in the middle. "We got a lot of treasure from that dragon's cave. He was so greedy to keep all the jewelry with him."

"You've to submit it to the Emperor."

"The Emperor never visited his cave. He wouldn't find any jewelry missing." Is this really Taehyung? He's changed. But I like these changes. 

Dare to touch My Husband and you're D*ad/BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now