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"You called for me, father?"

"Take a seat, Hoojin." Hoojin did as the Emperor told him. "It's really an important matter which needs your attention….."

"What is it father?" 

"It's time for you to succeed to the throne."

"I already told you father, I'm not interested in the throne. You know very well who's the right successor of your throne." He got up from his seat and was about to walk outside but the Emperor's words made him stop.

"I'll pass the throne to Jimin then." 

"Y/n……Y/n is the right successor for the throne. She did everything you told her to. She obeyed your every order. She's a great sword fighter. She's good at politics too. I'm sure she would make Tarrin like heaven." 

"She can never take the throne. A girl can't take over the throne. I made a promise to your mother to give you the throne. You may not be good at fighting but you're good at politics."

"The person who's good in politics can become an adviser only. And I would love to become an adviser if Y/n is the new Empress. Our great grandmother was also a woman and she took the throne. She ruled very well. Don't neglect a great Empire."

The Emperor sighed. "It's useless to talk to you. You can leave." Hoojin bowed to him and walked outside. 

"Hoojin, you've to take this throne." He closed his eyes and rested his head against the chair. 


// Solan palace //

Y/n's pov;

The next morning the first thing I did was to plant the flowers with Sophie. She kept saying that she'll do it but I'm way too free nowadays. Planting flowers gives another level of satisfaction. Watching the seeds grow into flowers is like watching your own kid grow up. 

I can understand why my sister Chae won loves gardens. 

"I think it would take around 2 weeks to see the flowers here." Sophie said. "Yes." I replied to her. My hands are covered in soil. "I'll bring water for you, my lady." She walked away immediately. 

"You've a visitor, my lady." A maid walked inside. 

"Mother." My mother walked forward. It's been a long time since I saw her face. Is everything alright at the palace ? 


// In Merwillie //

Taehyung's pov;

Sir Yoongi told me his grandfather lives in Merwillie. It's a small village near the southern border. I can't find Mr. Hanseok here. Where is he ?

"Would you like to buy something from our store?" A little boy asked me. I ruffled his hair. He's so cute. I crouched to his level. "No. I'm searching for someone."

"I can help you. I know everyone here." I smiled. "You might be famous here." He nodded. "I'm searching for Min Hanseok, the grandfather of Sir Yoongi. Do you know him?"

"Yes. Follow me, I'll take you to him." He held my hand and dragged me away. We arrived at a fish shop and there was Min Hanseok, selling fish. "Grandfather, you've a visitor !" He shouted and Mr. Hanseok looked at me.

"What brings you here ? Do you want to buy fish?" I shook my head. "Then ?" I knelt down in front of him. "Please teach me Sword fighting. Make me your disciple." 

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