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Seven months later ~

"My lady, Marchioness Yuriel, has sent an invitation to you for her tea party." Sofie was standing there holding the invitation. "When is her tea party?" 

"Tomorrow." She placed the letter on the table. Y/n opened it. Ladies are invited with their husbands to the party. 


Yoongi attacked Taehyung which he dodged. "I'm not going easy on you." He was drenched in sweat. "Show him what I've taught you !" Hanseol said to Taehyung. Taehyung's smirk grew wider and he jumped in the air to attack Yoongi. Yoongi blocked it. Taehyung locked his leg with Yoongi which made Yoongi lose his balance. He fell on the ground. 

Yoongi kicked Taehyung in the stomach. He got up from the ground and gripped his sword. Taehyung started to attack him with double speed. Yoongi was having a hard time blocking his attacks. The next moment, Yoongi's sword was on the ground. He faintly smiled. Hanseol started to clap. 

"Well done ! Congratulations, you've finished your training." Hanseol exclaimed. "It was a good match. " Yoongi extended his hand and Taehyung shook his hand with him. "Thank you, master." 

"Go and protect your palace, My lord." Hanseol said dramatically. "Wouldn't you let him rest now ? Grandpa, you should make something delicious to celebrate lord Taehyung's victory. He won't be coming here regularly after today."

"I'll be left alone again. I'm making fish curry." He picked his shoes and walked away. "We'll become fishes one day. Don't want to interfere but when are you going to tell Y/n about your training?" Yoongi asked him. 

"I'll tell her tonight. I've finished my training so there's no reason to hide it now." 

- In the evening -

Taehyung's pov;

"I'm back." I hugged my wife. She didn't say anything. She seems angry. "Are you seeing another woman ?" She asked me which took me by surprise. What made her think this ? I should tease her. Just a little bit. 

"H - how did you find out ?" I gasped like she caught me. She narrowed her eyes. "Who is she ?" Did she fall for my lie ? I'll just play along for a while. "Diana……my childhood love." After getting no response, I looked at her. She pulled out a dagger God knows from where. "Are you going to kill me ?"

"No. How can I kill you ? I'm going to fight with your Diana." She was about to storm outside but I held her body. "Leave me. You can save her if you get there before me." Why does she sound so scary?

"It was a lie ! Actually, I was getting training from Sir Yoongi's grandfather. I finished it today. I wanted to surprise you so I didn't tell you anything." 

"You were getting training from master?" I took the dagger from her and made her sit on the bed. "There's no Diana. There is only Y/n in my life. How can you think that I'm cheating on you ? And even if I'm cheating then you should kill me first." 

"I know that you were lying, Taehyung. What do you take me for ? I know how to use my brain." I smiled and pecked her lips. "Don't you think we should invite the master here to show our gratitude?" She asked and I nodded. "Of course. He made me catch so many fishes. Let's give him more fish."

"He made you catch fish too ?" She laughed. This is the first time I'm seeing her laugh. I wonder how other emotions would look on her face. "Anyway, Marchioness has invited us to her tea party tomorrow. You never have been to a tea party so it's a good opportunity for you."

" But what will I do there ? I don't know anyone." 

"Marques Hoseok is a dear friend of mine. He'd be a good company for you. Besides, there would be less vicious nobles so don't worry." She is telling me not to worry but I'm still worried. 

- The next day -

Taehyung's Pov;

We walked towards the garden for the tea party. My heart is going to come out from my chest. I haven't met anyone new for a long time. I don't know what kind of person Marques is. As we walked forward a lady who seemed like the Marchioness and a man who seemed like Marques was standing at the entrance.

"I didn't think you'd come." Marques said. Y/n smiled in response and shared a hug with the Marchioness. "I had to come since the Marchioness invited me." Marques smiled in a response and stepped forward to hug me. "Pleasure to meet, Lord Taehyung." 

"Same here, my lord." He slid his left hand around my waist and pulled me away from the ladies. "You guys should enjoy it. I'll give a tour of our palace to the Lord." We walked away from them. 

"This is our garden. My wife had put a lot of effort into making it alive. She tries new things from time to time." Marques was talking to me like we've known each other for a long time. I laughed a little at his statement. He stopped walking and glared at me. Wasn't I supposed to laugh? I was about to apologize but before I did he laughed out loud. 

"Married life isn't easy, right ?" I unconsciously nodded my head but then I shook it. "I haven't experienced any hardships like you in my married life so it isn't hard for me." I stated. "Y/n didn't give you a hard time ?" He was quite astonished. "No. She doesn't bother me with anything though I want her to bother me." He made a face like it's hard for him to digest it.

" Should I tell her to give you hard tasks ?" He asked me. "I don't want to force her." I replied to him. "Let me introduce you to my other friends." We walked toward a group of men. Marques Hoseok is really a kind person.

• Imperial palace •

Prince Jimin's room ~

Crown Prince Jimin was working on some papers when Queen Seo Jun walked inside. She started to march from left to right in front of his table. He sighed and stopped doing his work. "What is bothering you, mother ?" She rolled her eyes and plopped on the couch. 

"Don't you think it's so quiet around us?" He arched his eyebrows. " Should I start a war then ? Would it be entertaining for you ?" 

"No. You'd have to participate in the war. I don't want to see you hurt."

"When did you start to worry about me ?" He started to work again. "I want to throw Queen Ha - Rin out of the palace and then the Empress." 

"Don't forget your limits, mother. Don't start rebelling against the Empress. I'm announced as crown Prince only, not the Emperor. I don't hold any powers against the Empress."

"Since you've become the crown Prince, why don't you marry the daughter of minister Cha Dun?"

"I don't want to marry anyone yet. It's quite bothersome." 

"I want something entertaining, Jimin. Do something for your mother." She tapped her fingers on the table. "What ? Do you want me to remove l Taehyung?"

"It would be great to remove him. I want to see Y/n and her mother miserable for their whole life."

"Hmm ….I don't like Taehyung. He's an eyesore. Let me think what I can do to remove him from our lives." 


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