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The next day Taehyung left early for the Imperial palace. Being a Lord he has a lot of duties to perform.

"Make sure the area is covered perfectly. The royal carriage is gonna pass from that street." Taehyung ordered the other knight. The spring festival is starting soon. The palace, all the streets, and houses would be decorated with flowers. The Emperor and the Empress would be passing through the streets, greeting all the people.

"Fancy to see you here, Lord Taehyung." Jimin and his mother were standing behind Taehyung. "All hail the Queen and the prince." He bowed to show respect.

"How's the preparations going on, brother - in - law ?" A wide smirk was dancing on Prince Jimin's face. "It's going great, your highness." His gaze was lowered. Seeing Queen Seo Jun's face was reminding him about the last night.

"Mother has something to say to you. He's a busy man, don't keep him waiting, mother." Jimin smiled at his mother. "Actually.......I want to apologize for the last knight. I should've stopped those ladies. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me." She made a pleading face but from inside she was burning with anger.

"Since you've apologized there's no need to extend it further. I accept your apology. I've some work to do so I'll take my leave first. Have a great day." He bowed and walked away.

"She made me apologize to a commoner. I'll ruin her life!" She clenched her jaw. "Relax, mother. I've everything planned for her perfect life."

// Solan palace//

Y/n and Jungkook were walking towards the garden when Seokjin spotted them. He ran to them. "Good morning, my lady." He greeted her.

"Sir Seokjin, please leave us alone for a moment. I'll summon you if I need you throughout the day." He nodded and they walked away.

Seokjin's pov;

What's happening between them ? I should find more about Jungkook.


"Is it true?" She asked him. "Yes, master. Sir William was present there when the Queen and Prince Jimin apologized to him. He accepted their apology."

"That's good to know. Ask someone to keep updating on the Imperial palace's matters. Queen Seo Jun isn't gonna stay quiet. She'll again do something to tarnish Taehyung's reputation."

"All the knights who had been working under you are willing to share all the information. For the internal affairs you've to take help from Sir Yoongi since he's the Emperor's personal knight."


//In the evening//

"Taehyung.......I've been waiting for you." Taehyung was rushing towards his room but Seokjin stopped him. Taehyung notices hesitation in his voice. His mind filled with concern. "Is everything alright?"

"Can we talk ?" He was afraid to talk about it but still it's a matter related to his brother's life so he'll do it. Taehyung nodded in response. "Not here. Everyone's eyes are on us. Somewhere else, please." Taehyung nodded and started to follow him.

They both arrived in the backyard. Taehyung was impatiently waiting for Seokjin to start the conversation. "What is it you want to talk about, brother ?"

"I......I found something related to Jungkook." Taehyung nodded, assuring him to continue. "He isn't what we think he is. He was a prince of the Fionna kingdom, the kingdom which was conquered by the Tarrin's knights."

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