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• Solan palace •

"Do you need some help, my lady ?" Sophie asked the lady who was sewing a cape. "No, I want to make it myself. Taehyung is gonna look funny while wearing this mess created by me." She smiled to herself. "I'm leaving your lunch here. Please eat it before it gets cold." She bowed and walked outside.

"How is she ?" Robin was waiting for Sophie. "She is still seeing the cape. It's been a week since the Lord left. Our lady hasn't left her room after that." She was upset. "Is she eating well ?"

"Yes. Thankfully she is eating all her meals."

"I hope the Lord returns safely."


It was snowing. The cold breeze was making it difficult for the knights to walk further. "Let's wait for the snow to stop." Lord Taehyung said. He saw a cave near the forest. He ordered a few knights to search the cave.

"There's nothing, my lord." William informed him. "Let's take a shelter there." He walked forward and others followed him.

Few days later ~

It has been raining for two days. Lady Y/n was standing near the balcony. "My garden is going to be ruined." She sighed.

"We'll again plant the flowers, my lady." Sophie said. She was standing beside the lady. "Did we get any news from the Imperial palace ?" Sophie shook his head.

All knights were rushing to the main gate of the palace. "What's happening outside?"

"I'll go and check, my lady." She was about to leave but Y/n stopped her. "Let's go together. "


"What is happening here ?" She reached the tower where all knights were present. All the knights bowed to her. Seokjin came forward to explain the situation. "Some soldiers are asking for a shelter. We've informed them that the Lord isn't present in the palace so we can't open the gate. But they are making a commotion outside." She looked down at the soldiers. Some of them were on horses and others were standing.

"Where are you from ?" She asked. "We're from Darian. We need shelter, my lady." One of them answered her. "Is there anything that can prove your identity?"

"I'm afraid to mention but we don't have anything. We'll leave the palace early in the morning."

"We can't permit you to enter inside since you've nothing to prove your identity. Return back." She turned to face her knights. Suddenly a loud sound made her look back at the foreigner men. They were trying to break the door. "Didn't I tell you to return back ?"

"You see, we need a shelter. If you can let us in then we'll make our own way. Try to stop us." They were banging the door with all their force.

"Return to your room, my lady. We'll take care of this. This might lead to a war." Seokjin exclaimed. "Who are you to order me to return?"

"My apologies if it sounds like an order. But as a knight I want to protect the lady." He replied. "Give me your sword, Jungkook. I'll spar with those soldiers." Jungkook gave her the sword.

"My lady, the lord, told me to protect you. Please don't make it difficult for us." Seokjin pleaded. "Do you think I can't fight because I'm a lady ? Does anyone else think the same ? Move forward if that's the case. I don't have much time." Three knights along with Seokjin moved forward.

"Holding and wielding a sword are two different things, my lady. Leave this matter to us." Seokjin remarked. "I see you run your mouth so much, Sir Seokjin. How many knights would be injured while fighting those soldiers ?" He didn't answer.

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