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"I'm Namjoon. You saved my life a long time ago . Don't you remember?" As far as I remember, I've taken the lives of others. How can he say that I've saved him?

"Are you sure it was me ?"

"Yes. I was in a garden and a few kids were assaulting me."

"I don't recall anything. You got the wrong person."

"Don't you remember the gray cat you saved that day ?" Gray cat ? "It was your cat ?"

"No, it was me."

"Okay then I'm a dragon. Wanna fly?" He smacked his head against his hand and shook his head.

"I'm not supposed to reveal this secret but I'm a sorcerer. My teacher punished me that day and turned me into a cat." I blinked my eyes multiple times. "Believe me !"

"How do you know that I'm the same girl? I was so young back then."

"I recognized your mana. You've got a strong mana. Anyway, thank you for that day. I would've died that day. I'll get going now." He slightly bowed and turned to walk away.

"Don't you think you should pay me back ? How ungrateful." He stopped and turned back. "I don't have any money with me right now. How much do you want ?.....I didn't think you would ask for money."

"I don't need money. My husband is cursed. Treat him."

"Oh my....where is he ?"

"Can you treat him?"

"Of course. I'm a high level sorcerer. Show me the way."

"Hop on the horse." I walked towards my horse. "Are we going to ride the same horse ?"

"You can walk."

"No !" He followed me to my horse.


This man is continuously blabbering since we met in the forest. My ears will start to bleed soon.

"Do you live in that castle ?" He pointed towards our castle. "Yes."

"Don't tell me you're a royal."

"Yes, I'm. So ?"

"We don't get involved with royals. Higher ups will punish me again."

"The man you're going to help isn't a royal. I'll help you if someone pushes you. You've my words."

"This is wrong !"

"And isn't it wrong to not help the person who saved your precocious life ?" He snorted.


We walked inside our room. "Send everyone out, please." He requested. I sent everyone outside. He walked towards the bed where Taehyung was laying. He touched his forehead and closed his eyes. A blue light emerged from Taehyung's forehead.

Namjoon opened his eyes and removed his hand from Taehyung's forehead. "Is he alright?" I asked.

"No. He's going to die soon if we don't treat him."

"What are you waiting for then ? Start his treatment."

"I can't treat him."

"You're a high level sorcerer then how can't you treat him ? I'll give all of our money and this castle. Please save him."

"I would've saved him if it was in my hands. I can't break this curse."

"Then who can break this ? And where can I find that person?"

Dare to touch My Husband and you're D*ad/BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now