All the Small Things

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Havu finally opened her eyes on the third day, revealing she had eyes just like her daddy. Finally able to see she grabbed at Lena's hair and held it. She would hold Striker's mustache and grab his claws. She would nom on his index finger and he allowed it. 

Astrila got curious and went up to the crib while Havu was in it. Pushing her nose through the bars and sniffing at little Havu. 

Well Havu was curious too, once she heard that sniffing sound she turned her head and reached for the pup. The icehound tilted her head and Striker sat recording it all. Lena lifted the pup and carefully placed her in the crib with Havu. "Astrila..." the pup looked up at her, "Havu is your new sister, you have to help protect her now." 

Now icehounds are smart, even pups so when the pup heard protect she immediately lay down next to Havu and placed her head gently on the child. This was her pack mate, she would protect them. 

Havu giggled some and patted the pup. Astrila took it all in stride and Lena smiled. "Good girl."

Striker smiled some. "Must be natural for them."

"Must be..." Lena agreed. 

They waited until after Havu's nap to separate them. Havu could hold her head up and look about on her own. This made her tail wag. Lena took her outside, Astrila at her heel. Striker behind them recording on his hellphone. 

Lena whistled and their pair of horses trotted over. Ametrine was curious and approached. Havu blinked and stared at the tall creatures. The mare lowering her head and nickering softly. Havu reached out and placed her claw on the horse's nose. Feeling her breath, her heartbeat and the trust she was being given. 

Striker was trying hard not to cry as his baby girl interacted with the horses. 

Ametrine turned, showing her belly. Havu reached and so did Lena, they both smiled. "She's gonna be a gorgeous one." Lena smiled. Havu giggled and wagged her tail. Apparently Lena's senses had also come out in Havu. 

Bombproof stepped up and leaned his head over the fence, snorting softly. He wanted to know what all the hubbub was about. 

Lean chuckled some and held Havu up a little. Bombproof sniffed at the child then pushed his warm nose to the side of her little snoot. Havu held him a moment. 

Striker broke at that point, happy tears streaming his face. His little girl was making friends with his horse. His difficult horse that was so picky even Lena couldn't be around him alone too long. 

Lena smiled and Havu nuzzled the horse. Bombproof nickered softly and stayed calm, letting the small snake hold him a moment. 

Striker smiled broadly and wagged his tail. "So cute."

Havu let go and poked her tongue out. Bombproof snorted in amusement, shaking his head. Lena smiled and held her little daughter. 

Tail swishing something struck him, where was Lena's family? "Hun... where's your family?"

Lena flinched and held Havu closer. "My father died... and my mother... well she always treated me like shit. I guess what I'm saying is... I don't really have much in the way of family. Sueanne and Rita have always been like sisters to me." She smiled and Havu cuddled into her. 

Striker blinked some. "Do Ah dare ask..."

"My mother wasn't ready to be a real mom.. but she did it because she loved my dad. They lived in Lust even though my dad said Wrath would be better. After he died... my mom went back to catting around. I came to hate her... as soon as I could... I left. A few years passed then I saw you all over the net... and it sparked something in me. Brought me back to the stories my dad told me about his time in Wrath. My dad taught me things I never thought I would use, gentling a horse... hogtying and planting and various other things around here. I saw you and I had to come here. I never had a reason before then to come to Wrath... I should have to see if my father's family was here but... I was scared."

"Scared? Hun why?" Striker walked over and held her and Havu. 

"Because they didn't care for my mom taking my dad away to Lust and I look more like her." She said and hugged Havu. 

"Wrath folk ain't like that, you seen that. You know Ah bet we go looking for them, and we find out they love ya. What do ya say darling?" Striker said. 

"If yer wrong... I'm gonna bite you."

"And if Ah'm right?"

"Ah'll do something for ya."

Striker smiled and held her. "Ah'll have Brash and Drake start looking tomorrow."

"Okay." She purred and Hsvu nuzzled between them. Astrila running around them barking. 

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