The Hunt

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Once dressed and fed they headed outside, doing the daily chores. Tail wagging some Lena looked up at him, "So what else are we doing today?" 

Striker grinned some. "Well got a nuisance animal near my one neighbor's ranch. He has some traps, but he's too old to do anything else. Figured we could give him a hand ya know. Whatcha think pumpkin?"

"Mmm.. sounds like fun, what are we hunting and when?"

"Rune Bear, huge creatures. Ridiculously fast and powerful. Black bears with silvery runes along their sides. The fur thins around the neck and lower jaw, weak spots. They are viscious, and this one is a big male. Best time is around dusk. So ya wanna help me trap a bear for the pelt and some of the meat?"

"Fuck it let's do this." She grinned and wagged her tail as he handed her a shotgun. "Hm?"

"No blessed guns needed pumpkin."

"Ah.. right." She nodded. 

"Well then, come on, Bombproof is waiting for us, probably heard most of the conversation, Ray will be waiting for us for some final preparations." He grinned at her. 

"Kay." She grinned and followed him out. "Sounds like it's gonna be fun." She purred and wagged her tail.

"Hope you got that good mood when you see the bear." the snake opened the door and sure enough, the Nightmare was waiting for them, snorting a bit while one of his hooves brushed on the grass "Alright, Bombproof, you know the drill, the moment things go south, we go like fire, ok?" he patted the equine's side and offered a hand to Lena "Want to take the reins?" he offered.

She smiled, took the offered hand and mounted the horse, tail wagging as she tilted her head. "I have no clue where we are going." She said.

Getting on the saddle behind the succuimp, the snake gestured to the path away from the cabin "Ignore the first two rights and then turn to the left when ya see a rock with a Hellhound carving, ya won't miss it." he explained.

"Then you hold the gun " she said and handed it to him. Snickering and taking the reins. She clicked her tongue and Bombproof whinnied, starting off at a trot.

Holding the gun with one hand and the other taking hold of Lena, Striker sighed in comfort, knowing that both the succuimp and Hellhorse worked well together, the first cross lead to the nearby town while the second had a sign for another cabin of a family of Hellhounds. One thing to note was that Striker was in a calm mood despite the hunt they were preparing for.

Upon reaching the rock, she gave a light tug to the left and Bombproof turned, she smiled. Tail curled around Striker she smiled. She purred and calmed herself. "Mmmm..."

That purr was accompanied by a light rattle while they headed to McNamera ranch, between the woods they could see the fence, but the deeper they went, the more plantations they could see, sure there were a few nightmares here and there, but that did not seem to be the main production of this ranch. The cabin had a few greenhouses around it too, and by the entrance of one of said greenhouses was a.. in respectful words, rotund hellhound, and by the grey streaks of fur, he was on his golden years too.

"So where do I stop?" She asked and looked up at him.

The snake pointed at the nearby fence gate "Here it is fine." the hellhound also had noticed them and started walking "If it isn't the scaled belt, still being a twig?" the hellhound guffawed, the closer Ray got the more noticeable features could be seen too, like a few scars along his arm and neck, being slash marks "And who in King Lucy's red cheeks have you kidnapped?" he gestured to Lena and even put a paw on the side to mock whisper "Madam, blink twice if he has you hostage!" Striker of course just rolled his eyes while Bombproof gave the horse equivalent of an amused snort.

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