First Foal, Second Imp, Tiny Hellpup

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Leon was born after Valentine's and was very small. Belle was overly worried,  absolutely terrified to leave him for a single minute. Kygo was sure she was overreacting just a little. However he indulged her, and they kept their little boy inside until Ametrine dropped her filly in April.


Ametrine was standing in the pasture under the peach tree and snorting. She was breathing heavy and snorting. Giving a whinny and pacing some. 

Lena, Striker and Havu were close by but keeping distance. Bombproof nickered from the fence and watched. 

Ametrine let out a screech as her contractions started to get worse. Purple and yellow flames coursing along her body as each one hit. She pushed and whinnied as she stood under the tree in the soft grass.

Lena carefully approached and rubbed neck. "Shhh easy girl.. you got this." 

Ametrine snorted and pawed the ground, tossing her head. She pushed and lifted her tail.

Striker moved around. "Ah see hooves! Keep pushing Ametrine."

Lena rubbed her neck and smiled. "You can do it girl."

Havu was next to her dad, watching the foal come out. 

Ametrine pushed and a few pushes later the foal slid out and dropped. She panted and turned, the afterbirth slipping out and splattering on the tree. She licked at her foal, tail swaying. 

Striker approached slowly with Havu. "It's a girl!" He smiled. 

Havu smiled and sat next to the filly who roused at her touch. The filly looked up at mom then to Havu and her flames lit up, a wonderful hot pink in color. "Rosie." Havu smiled. 

Striker smiled. "Well Ah'll be damned... a pink flame filly."

Lena walked over and smiled. "Her hide is grey, wow." 

"That's her baby coat." Striker smiled.

Havu pet the filly and stood. Rosie slowly standing and starting to nurse from Ametrine. 

The mare snorted some and looked to the filly, nickering softly. 

Bombproof approached and inspected the filly, tail flicking. He nickered and looked to Ametrine then nuzzled her. 

Ray leaned on the fence. "Was wondering what all the screeching was about."

"Uncle Ray! Lookit Rosie! She pretty!" Havu smiled.

"She sure is, ya'll should my grandson. He's so cute."

Belle walked over, Kygo behind her. She held their son in her arms and smiled. He was mostly black with blonde stripes on his shoulders and a mark under his chin. 

Lena walked over and smiled some. "He's cute as a button."

"Belle barely lets him outta her sight." Kygo teased. 

Belle smiled. "Well look at him hun, he's so precious." 

Striker walked over, Havu on his hip. The pair smiled and wagged their tails. 

Lena chuckled. "This is Leon, ain't he cute?"

Belle held him so everyone could see. 

Havu looked over, tail wagging some. "He smol woof." 

Lena nodded some. Belle smiled a little. 

Striker placed Havu on the fence and smiled as she looked to the little hound. 

Lena looked to Striker and whispered to him. His face turned red and his tail rattled. "You serious?" Lena nodded and wagged her tail. Striker bit his lip, "When?"

Lena looked to Ray. "Would you mind watching Havu this weekend?"

Ray smiled. "Not at all, and Ah'm sure these two won't mind helping."

It was a brief visit with some lunch and happy back and forth. Havu got a chance to hold little Leon, sitting in Belle's lap of course. 


The weekend came and Ray picked up Havu and her things, which included her giant bear. Two days would be fine and Havu was starting to learn potty skills. This would help Belle and Kygo a little too. 

The first day Striker and Lena just enjoyed being alone. Watched a movie, had a fancy dinner at home and fooled around a little. Much like they had when they first met at the Motel. 

The second night, they had a wonderful dinner. A sensual dessert with strawberries and whipped cream. 

"Striker... that's not where whipped cream goes." She giggled.

He grinned. "Too suggestive?"

"Yes." She giggled again and looked to him. 

"Mmmm let's make it even then." He smeared some on her.

"Striker! That's cold oh gosh..." she blushed as he pinned her down. 

"Lemme fix that then..." he licked it off and she moaned softly. His hands trailing over her body, tail coiling with hers.

"Oh... Striker." She smiled and he grinned. 

"Wanna lick mine?" He asked and leaned back.

She nodded and sat up licking the whipped cream off him. He groaned and flexed his claws. She then climbed up and sat on him Cowgirl Style. He put his hat on her and grinned. She rode him and held his shoulders, his hands on her hips. 

Striker huffed some and leaned in biting on the left side of her neck. She moaned out and held to him, tensing up a little before releasing. Striker growled and filled her easily. 

They then proceeded to do it Doggy Style followed by her being pinned to the wall in the shower. 

After which they went to sleep, Lena tracing his scars, tails coiled tight together.  


Four days passed and Lena took the test three times to be sure.  She walked out to the living room holding the three tests, Striker and Havu waiting. "Hun... I'm pregnant."

Striker blinked some. "Whoa... fuck..."

Havu squealed. "Ah'm gonna be a big sister!"

Lena bit her lip and smiled then hugged them both after tossihe tests to the trash. 

Striker called everyone, Lena called all her friends. 

The next couple months were great, she was showing normally and everything was fine. She was starting her second stage and smiled, rubbing the little belly she had. 

Havu and Striker helped her, checked the baby bump often and just were there for her. 

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