Prideful Pony and Swindling Shark

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One of Lucifer's personal favorite events in the warmer months is the Prideful Pony. It's an event for younger horses to be shown off, any horse under three years is eligible.  One colt and one filly from each ring is chosen to represent and the winners at the end get a cash prize. 

Of course Rosie won the Fine Filly for Wrath and thus she would go to Pride to compete. 

Rosie, along with Ametrine were transported in Striker's horse trailer with the truck. Ametrine was there for moral support, Bombproof was left at home with Astrila both of them were plenty of protection for their little farm. 

Once they reached Wrath Circle of Pride, it was clear where they were to go. Lucifer made a huge to do about this event. Lights and signs. Yeah he loved seeing all the new little foals. 

After the mares were settled in they had time before the event. Striker and Havu got Rosie ready, as well as Havu herself. Lena helped her little daughter and smiled. Everyone was ready now so they left to go eat. 

Lena blinked some as she noticed someone she knew. She told Striker to stay with Havu while the little one finished her food. Running over she blinked some. "Chaz?"

The shark turned and smiled. "Hey there beautiful! Long time no suck." 

She giggled and hugged him he held her. "Where you been?" She asked and straightened his suit. 

"Here and there, the usual. " he noted the ring on her finger. "Got yerself hitched huh? Lucky guy?"

Lena blushed and nodded gesturing to Striker and Havu. "That's my husband and daughter there."

Chaz whistled,"Damn he's a hot piece. What'd you do hogtie him?"

"Yes actually." She flicked her tongue out. 

"Ha! Still feisty as always." He knelt down and kissed her cheek. "Loved that about ya."

"Yeah." She smiled and wagged her tail. "Anyone new?"

"Mmm no. Need to head back to Greed soon though. Got a meeting with an old friend there."

"How ominous." She grinned and he flashed a smiled. 

"Yes well you know me..."

"Pleasure before business." She smirked.

"Yeah and this pony show should be perfect before I have to go." He nodded.

"Oh shoot my daughter and her filly are in it."

"That so? I'll be rooting for them then." He nodded. 

She smiled some. "I appreciate that."

Chaz leaned in and hugged her. "Is he better than me?" He whispered. 

She blushed and looked to him. "Chaz... that's naughty."

"Well... I'm curious." He chuckled.

"In some ways." She admitted. 

"Awwww..." he poked his tongue out.

"But he can't do that one thing..." she giggled.

Chaz grinned. "That's a Chaz specialty." He snickered and lifted a brow. 

"Yes but you also loved sex too much. It's why we broke up. Realizing we were rebounds and just using each other for sex. You didn't care but I wanted better." She sighed.

He nodded and smiled. "I know. You got lucky." He nodded and looked to Striker and Havu. "Hot husband and a cute kid who I hope grows up to look as hot as you."

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