Playing Rough

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Lena woke first and grinned a little, stirring up and wigging right on his lap, getting a groan as he sat up. She hopped off and headed to the shower. "C'mon stud." She giggled. 

Striker rolled his eyes with a smile and followed her, stripping his clothing off, as did she, while they headed to get clean. 

After a rather heated shower of helping each other get clean, lots of playful teasing and sensual touching the two relaxed once more on the bed, draped in towels. Striker rubbing her back while she found herself running her claws through his hair making him let off that faint pleased hiss while his eyes were shut. 

Striker smiled some and nuzzled into her cheek. "What do you wanna do today darlin'?" He asked and coiled his tail with hers. 

"Not sure yet, but we should get dressed and go eat hun." She kissed his snoot. 

He wiggled it and looked to her. "Yes yer right."

They decided to go see Yancy and Roseanne. Manny meeting them at the door. "Pa is in bed but Ma is cooking as always. Pa has been sick... don't say nothing to Ma though." 

Striker nodded and they tucked into some omelets and homemade juice. 

Roseanne smiled some, happy to see them. "Been a while huh skinny?"

"Yeah, but... we felt like coming to see ya. Ya'll been doin' good?" Striker asked.

"Mostly, mostly. Yancy has some sorta illness... it hurts him to the bones. Doesn't stop him from telling stories though." she smiled fondly.

Striker nodded, Yancy and Roseanne were like family to him. "He still telling the one about how he rode all through Wrath on a three legged horse?"

"Yeah, and I still don't believe him!" she chuckled.

"Neither do Ah, seems like a damned thing to be riding a three legged horse... let alone all over Wrath." he grinned.

"Wait..." Lena looked to them. "A three legged horse..."

Roseanne giggled some and sat beside them. "Yancy told me one night back when was dating that he once rode a three legged hellhorse named Tripod all through Wrath just to say he done it. Told the kids too when they was little. Neither of them believe him now but to see their faces light up with wonder and awe at their daddy, I let the man have his moment. He'll tell you all about it if ya ask him. Goes on longer than what I tell ya... talks about all the hardships, all the times they had to stop because ol' Tripod needed a drink or to use the bathroom. Some parts are funny, others are gross. I don't rightly know if it's true or not... but it's a good story and he tells it like he lived it, may well have. Never known that man to lie to me, and the story don't change neither."

Lena smiled some. "Well I hope he's around to tell it some more, it's one I wanna hear."

"Sure shooting little Havu would love it too." Striker grinned.

"Oh yeah." Lena nodded.

"I'll let him know ya said so." Roseanne winked.

Lena smiled some. "You tell him he has to stick around to tell me and Havu."

"I surely will." she nodded.


After sitting and chatting for a while Striker and Lena said their goodbyes and made a promise to come visit once more before heading home. They were gonna be out and about for a week, there was gonna be time to come back.

They headed out to Striker's old mine shaft, and he told her all about his little band and well everything about him between the time he wasn't home and the time they met. Some parts he wasn't proud of at all. This place was one of them, but he felt like sharing with her because he loved her. 

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