002: Faint

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"Class dismissed," our professor said when she finished the discussion. She gave us a lot of research that is due on wednesday. It's currently monday, so I could really feel my stress levels going up. While thinking about the research assignment that my professor gave us, I was also waiting for jungwon inside the cafeteria since it was our 45-minute break. I also told him to fetch sunoo after his class ends, but I'm not sure if he really did fetch him.

Me, jungwon, and sunoo had been friends since high school. Our friendship grew bigger over the past years since all three of us were really not separable.

I couldn't really handle my hunger anymore since the only breakfast I had a while ago was only a cup of coffee.
I texted jungwon and told him that I had left my bag in the table so him and sunoo could find the table that I reserved. I also told him that I'm already in line to get my food so they won't find me in the lines anymore. Good thing he answered my message quickly.

When I saw that, he replied back, I started to feel a very light headache.
It was manageable and bearable at first. But it started to hurt more quickly. I was keeping my balance correctly since I'm having a what seemed to be a severe headache already when I saw jake beside me. He was also in line to get food. He was wearing a black oversized hoodie, so I didn't recognize him at first.
He also wore silver colored specs, which I think he suits it the most. His perfume was the same, the perfume that I really loved him wearing. He didn't change it.
Is this how, from strangers to friends, friends into lovers, to strangers again feels like?? It's like I've been stabbed by hundreds of knives seeing him beside me with dead silence. I hate that it hurts, but this might be the karma that the world is giving me and the karma that I truly deserve.

The line was still very far to the finish line when I started to feel like I'm going to faint. I was fighting the urge not to collapse down since he's beside me, but I really couldn't. My forehead began to sweat cold. I couldn't hear and move well already. My vision started to fade, and then I collapsed through the ground, feeling defeated.

I was conscious for a while before my eyes did really shut down for good, so I saw and heard a glimpse of what happened during my fall. I heard some students screamed "Help!", "Oh my God",  "She collapsed." Cleary, everyone was panicking. But before I woke up in the clinic bed, I saw him. I saw jake he was the one who catched me and supported my head and back. I also heard him shout for help and mumbled the words "fuck she fainted" under his breath. That was the first time that I saw his shock and panicked face after years.

Back to the present~

"Nurse, she's awake!" I heard sunoo shout when I opened my eye and moved a bit.

"You're alive, I thought we were going to lose you," jungwon said in a sad but jokingly tone.

The nurse came right after a minute.

"Hi ma'am. How are you feeling?" The nurse asked me.

"Better than a while ago," I replied.

"Well, that's good. Anyways I'm here to ask you some questions. I hope you can answer it correctly so that we can really find out what's the cause of your collapse a while ago." She said in a bright and welcoming tone. I just nodded as a reply since I wasn't that good to be in the mood to talk.

She asked a ton of questions before letting me go to ask the doctor something. While she went out, sunoo and jungwon came in.

"What on earth just happened to you  a while ago, Ms. Akira Choi?" Sunoo asked.

"Jeez let her rest for a bit. She just got questioned a while ago" jungwon talked back to sunoo.

"Fine, but if it weren't for your handsome, the one that got away ex you got stamped by others a while ago."

Wait, he did? How? I asked myself.

Jungwon looked at sunoo and said, "She's blushing, lmao"  and both of them started laughing and grinning like a goat.

Minutes later, the nurse, together with the doctor, came in, but they didn't let jungwon and sunoo go out of the room.


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