006: Gender

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Today is my 6th month being pregnant. Also, today, I will be finding out the gender of my baby. Sunoo is here to accompany me going to the doctor. Originally, three of us were supposed to go. But sadly, jungwon's schedule was pretty much cramped for today, so me and sunoo were left.

3 months had passed since we graduated. Jungwon already had his job at the office. While sunoo works at the café of his parents. I also have a job too.

Three of us were already earning already. Is this the life of a normal adult from now on? From time to time, I still do remember jake. He pops on my mind rent free, when I think about the future of my baby. My baby is due in October already, yet I haven't even planned a way to tell him that he's already a father. But I'll get there.

While waiting for sunoo to start driving. I sat in the passenger seat area in sunoo's car. It was brand new his parents gave it to him as a gift in successfully graduating college.

Our schedule for today is first we will visit the doctor and after that. We'll run some quick errands to the mall. Since we already started buying baby stuff for my baby. Both of us were excited to start the day, so we buckled up our seat belts and went to the doctor right away.

We weren't that late, but it's a good thing we were already next in line.

The doctor greeted us happily while we entered the room."Hii sunoo and kira, are you guys excited to know the gender of the baby? Oh, by the way, where's jungwon?"

She's doctor sim. But she prefers being called by everyone by her first name.
Her first name is claire. Doctor Claire. Yes, she has the same surname as jake. But there are too many sims in this world. Even though I haven't met jake's parents yet, I know this can't be his mom. I am sure of it.

And if you're wondering why Doctor Claire knows and looks for jungwon
It's because jungwon's mom and doctor claire have been friends for a very long time now. While Doctor claire is an obgyn, Doctor Yang is at the neurosurgeon department.

"Unfortunately, jungwon can't come with us right now since he has a pretty cramped and a very hectic schedule at the office today. But we can FaceTime him right now, too, since he requested it." Sunoo explained while I changed my clothes at the bathroom.

When I went out of the bathroom I already saw the ultrasound equipment that they would be using on me. When I already laid down, sunoo grabbed his phone he tried to FaceTime jungwon. Good thing he picked the call up.

"It's starting bitch look!" Sunoo shouted through his speakers while showing the camera at the monitor to let jungwon see.

The gel was cold. I got chilled for a bit. Then I saw my baby for the first time.

"Well, congrats, kira, it's a girl!" Doctor claire said.

Sunoo hung up at jungwons face time, and then he accidentally dropped his phone because of being excited too much. "I knew it, it was a girl oh my god, I'm going to be an uncle to a baby girl now.

And I was there still laying down. I haven't processed anything yet. But when I did. Happy tears came running through my eyes. This is it. I'm really going to be a mother now.

New character:

Doctor Claire Sim (Portrayed by Jisoo from Blackpink)


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