020: Explanation

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I arrived at their house. The door was locked it wasn't usually locked before. Also, their window was blocked by curtains, but i know that they're here because the lights inside the house were on. I also saw the silhouette of a girl too.

It was so clear. They were inside, but they were hiding from me. I called and texted sunoo, and he didn't reply. I'll have to do it this way then.

I took a deep breath and then shouted her name while banging the door.

"YAH! AKIRA CHOI COME OUT! LET ME EXPLAIN PLEASE!" I repeated it almost 10 times, then heavy rain started. I didn't care if i was wet.

What i want right now is for her to show up. I can't let this day pass without fully apologizing and explaining my side to her. She must've been overthinking nonstop overnight. And it's my fault.

I stopped banging the door to rest, so i leaned and sat at her doorstep.

The rain was still very heavy, and i'm here all alone cold and wet, but i didn't care that much. Rain won't stop me.

Minutes later, i fell asleep, and i felt the door open.

"ARE YOU CRAZY??!" She shouted at me.
I didn't answer. But i'm glad that she opened the door.

"Stand up, come inside, you'll get sick out there. I'm sorry i could've checked on you earlier so you weren't that soaked in your clothes right now.

I came here to apologize, but why is she the first one apologizing now.

Upon entering the house, i saw jungwon and sunoo. They were feeding yuna.
It made me smile honestly.

They saw me, but no one dared to greet me. It's okay, I know they're mad, especially jungwon. He glared at me for a second, then looked away.

I felt someone tapped my back it was her, so i turned to her. She was holding spare clothes. "Wear it, i don't want you to blame me if you get sick after this."

"Thank you." That was my only reply. Then i went straight to the bathroom to change, I even planned my apology again while changing.

When i was done. I went to her and asked her if we could talk alone.
She agreed. Good sign for me.

We went inside the room, so i started.

I sighed before talking. "Look, i don't know where to start, but i wanted to say sorry because i haven't explained and mentioned to you, the girl, that you saw me at the mall together with her baby.

She's sophia she's my cousin. I already explained this to sunoo yesterday, but
Maybe he hasn't said this to you yet, so i'll say this now. The girl that you saw was sophia she's my cousin. She lives in america. She came back here 10 months ago because her boyfriend got her pregnant.

She didn't want to tell her boyfriend her situation because she was afraid that he won't take full responsibility and support. So she called me to help her."

She didn't respond, but she did nod, so i continued to explain.

"Again, i'm so sorry for making you feel worse again. From now on, i'll tell you everything so that you won't overthink again. My apology and explanation are short, but i hope you understand the context fully. I know forgiving is hard, so i'll wait for the time that you can forgive me for what i've done." I added.

"You are forgiven, but i can't just trust you fully again yet." She said.

"It's fine, no rush. Let's just take everything slow. Thank you for forgiving me. I caused you way
too much pain already, yet you're
Still forgiving me."

"Aw, that's sad. i wanted to level up our relationship." She said, which made me freeze and shock to my core. I'm just paranoid. Pull yourself together, jaeyun.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"I want you to be my boyfriend again and my soon to be husband, dummy!"
She confidently said.

"Why are you even asking if you already know the answer." I replied.

"Then we're official now. No take backs."

I couldn't say a word. My mind still couldn't process what just happened, so I just nodded to her in reply. Then she pulled me in for a tight hug. She still gives me the warmest hug up to this day.

I went here to apologize, but now i've got myself my dream girl again. My heart is so happy again.


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