024: Who are they?

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Jake Pov:

"Dad, who are they?" That was the first words that came out of yuna's mouth when we entered our home again.

I didn't know what to say. So i eyed for kira's eyes to know if i would be the one that would explain to yuna about her grandparents and her new addition of uncles. Or she would explain it.

Seconds passed, and she gave me a 'i'll do it myself look' and 'trust me look' so i didn't continue to speak. I just listened quietly and went with the flow.

"Come here, love." I heard her say. Then the younger one followed.

"It's about time for you to meet your grandparents and uncles, my love."

"I know the meaning of grandparents, and it is also new for me to have one, but mom, isn't Uncle wonwon and uncle ddeonu my uncles already? Why do i have more?" Yuna replied.

"Aww, come here, baby. I haven't told you yet, but Mommy has two brothers, which are considered as your uncles. And those two boys that you are seeing right now are my siblings, which are your new sets of uncles. Of course you also have your wonwon and ddeonu but isn't it fun to have more? If you have more, then you'll be happy too. Because i know that they will treat you like their own little princess and make you the happiest little girl alive." Kira explained.

Everyone inside the house right now was silent after kira finished her explanation. All of us were now waiting for yuna's reply patiently. For me, She explained it very well. It was not too fast, but it wasn't that too slow for her to get to the point. So, it was really understandable for yuna.

"But why do they look scary, mommy?" Yuna said, which made ni-ki and sunghoon softened their gaze with the little one. On the other side, Little Smiles was visible poking on the cheeks of kira's parents. They weren't that harsh, after all. And that's good to know. 

Seconds later, ni-ki approached the little girl. They were both unsure of what to do next, but they really got each other's vibe quickly. The next thing we knew, ni-ki was now playing dolls together with yuna. Sunghoon next came.
He was a little bit awkward at first, but he also did manage to get yuna's vibe later on.

"They weren't bad uncles after all."
We heard her cooed, and everyone in the room was filled with happiness and adoration upon hearing her opinions on her newly met uncles.

"Who do you like more now, princess yuna?" Ni-ki asked.

"I like you more than Uncle sunghoon, to be honest. He looks awesome, but he needs to break his cold awra." She replied.

"I told you, hyung, i'm her favorite. And she also said that you looked cold too. HAHAHA poor guy. Ni-ki teased the older who had now just rolled his eyes to what the younger one teased him.

"I'll spoil her with lots and lots of dolls. Just wait till you see." Sunghoon said, then glared at ni-ki.

"You know what, hyung, just fix your cheating habits first before being too much competitive with me." Younger one replied.

"Both of you stop that. And can you please give us our grandchild now?
We need to spend time with her too." Kira's dad said, which led them to stop the mini argument that is currently starting.

"Hmm love, why don't you go to your grandparents first? Then you'll come back to your uncle ni-ki and uncle sunghoon later?" I said.

She did eventually listen to me and then went to her grandparents.

"Great job, make then happy love!" I added.

"Shall we leave yuna for now? I mean, ni-ki, sunghoon, mom, and dad are here. They can take care of yuna for a while. We're almost 45 minutes late now. We might not catch jungwon's party."
Kira said.

I immediately agreed, then said, "Great idea they can bond with yuna for a very long time while we're away later."

We then bid our goodbyes to them, especially to yuna, and we went on our way to jungwon's.


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