019: Confusion

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Tears still kept on flowing when we reached home. I saw the inside of the house was really bright. They're here.

I unlocked the door, revealing jungwon and sunoo's concerned face.

"I'm glad you guys are back." I greeted them, but tears were really visible in my face. I can't hide the disappointment and sadness that i'm feeling right now.

"Let me hold yuna first, then tell us what happened." Jungwon said.

I gave him yuna, and then i started to speak.

"I saw him at the mall..." I said as i started to sob again nonstop.

"What was he doing in the mall?"

"I saw him with a girl and a baby. He was holding the baby. He looked pretty happy the girl looked very happy too. They looked like a happy family going on family dates." I ranted.

"The same girl that we saw a couple of months ago???" Sunoo asked.

I just nodded. The hate and anger were really visible on jungwon's eyes. If eyes could kill, the main target would be dead by now.

"How the fuck? You guys knew it and kept it for a very long time now, and you guys didn't even bother to tell me?"
Jungwon said.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault." Sunoo blamed himself.

"It's done. We can't change a thing now.
I'm just disappointed in what i saw a while ago. We confessed that we still liked each other yesterday. Then now he's with a girl and with a kid too."
I explained.

"Don't belittle your feelings. They are valid. You just had the queue yesterday that you guys liked each other, and then you'll see him with a girl. That's really messed up." Jungwon said.

"So what will happen to him now?
Are you still going to allow him to visit yuna?" Sunoo asked.

"No. I won't let him visit yuna anymore.
I've already decided and it's final."
I said.

"So you'll raise her alone again."

"Mhm. I can do it." I sighed.

"Well then, it's settled. But what if he comes here tomorrow and the two of us aren't in the house. What will you do?"
Jungwon said.

"I won't open the door on him until he leaves."

"Fighting girl! Show him that he wasted his opportunity." Sunoo cheered.

"You aren't helping, hyung." Jungwon replied. Sunoo just glared at him.



I was already packing my bag to prepare for tomorrow because i'm going to see my daughter again when i saw a notification on my phone.

It was from sunoo. By the format of his message, he's angry. But why?? I don't know what's happening.

The convo....


Jake: What? Why are your typings like that. Are you mad?? Did something happen to yuna?? How about kira?


Jake: Then tell me the problem.

Sunoo: Me and jungwon trusted and rooted for you, but you broke it. You fucking jerk. Are you enjoying two timing two girls right now, huh?!

Jake: I don't get it. Wdym two timing?

Sunoo: Bro, don't lie. Kira saw you together with a girl you were carrying her baby, too. She won't let you see yuna anymore because of what she saw. You're a fucking jerk.

Jake: She isn't my girlfriend. She's sophia she's my cousin. She migrated here 10 months ago when her boyfriend got her pregnant. She didn't want to tell her boyfriend her situation, so she left america carrying his boyfriends baby.
She begged me to help her with her needs, so that's what i did.

Sunoo: Shit. Our theories were wrong.

Jake: wdym?

Sunoo: We saw you before with your cousin, too. while she was still pregnant.
You guys were at the baby shop where me and kira went to. But it's still your fault you didn't tell her sooner.

Jake: I'll come there tomorrow. Tell jungwon about sophia so he won't punch me tomorrow if he sees me at your doorstep.

Sunoo: What would you even do here? You can't come here anymore.

Jake: I'll apologize and explain everything.

Sunoo: That better be sincere, or i'll kick your ass tomorrow. Go make up to her tomorrow. That's your last shot.

Jake: I will. I promise.

Sunoo reacted , "👍"

As i closed my phone, i sighed and directly went on my desk to plan on how I would approach her tomorrow and sincerely apologize and explain everything to her.

"You messed up again, jake."
I mumbled to myself and then continued to write my plan for tomorrow.


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