016: Family Bonding

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It's been 7 hours since I've taken my morning duty. Yuna woke up a while ago, but I already made her fall asleep again after a while. Jake is still sleeping, so I have my free time at this hour.

I was going to wash the laundry, but I remembered it was already washed last 2 days ago, so I didn't have anything to do but to wait for them to wake up again.

As I've been scrolling through my phone  for tons and tons of minutes already, I saw an ig post of my favorite vlogger.
It was her kids and his husband together at a café. She has two sons and an engineer husband. They're really the perfect family that I really look up to currently.

So I thought of an idea.

Yuna will thank me in the future if she sees this.

I thought of bringing the three of us in a café or any public places and taking lots of pictures as a memory to keep and for her to see when she grows up.

It'll be fun. It would also be the first family bonding as a whole that she will experience. But I had to wait 'till they wake up.

Time skip !!

Jake is already awake, so as yuna.
I told him to eat up his brunch fast because we're going somewhere.
So he did as I said, and we quickly
took off.

Arriving at the place, the café looks really aesthetic and minimalist. The colors of the establishment were really
cute and very post - and picture worthy. It was like we were at a kdrama. Everything looks surreal.

"Here's the menu order what you want."
I told him as we sat down and decided what to order.

While we were looking at our own menus, he asked me something.

"Why did you bring us three here?"

"I'll consider this as yuna's first bonding with her parents." I said.

"Then I'll consider this as a family day now." He said as he called the waiter for us to order.

"Okay." I responded.

Our order was here, he ordered a coffee and a sandwich while I ordered an orange juice with a cookie. Yuna didn't eat anything since she wasn't that eligible to eat solids yet, so I'll just breastfeed her after.

She was really quiet during our stay here in the café. All she did was look at her parents' eating. We spent an hour eating before I decided to capture the memories that have been made just by now. So I called for a not so busy waitress to snap us a picture.

"What are you going to do?" He asked as he saw me call for a waitress.

"Snap a photo, Are you in?" I said and asked while I gave my phone to the waitress who's right in front of me.

"I'm in." He said.

"Good. You don't have a choice anyway."
I replied. He laughed and then fixed himself for the photo.

"How many shots do you want to have ma'am?" The waitress asked.

I saw jake signal his 4 fingers, so I told the waitress to take four shots.

"Alright then."

After the picture taking the waitress told us something. Somehow, it made me blush for the first after years.

"You guys look so cute together as a family. The dad looks like the baby more, though. But I hope you couples don't break up. I would really love to see you guys again next time."

I was really trying my best not to show my blushed face, but I couldn't resist it.

And that's where i confirmed that i'm still really that in love with him again.

"Are you blushing?" He suddenly asked me out of blue. My mouth couldn't utter a word. I wasn't like this a while ago. Now, what's happening?

"Aw shit I'm falling for you again." I accidentally said after being unable to talk for a whole damn minute.

"We're on the same page then." He said confidently, and everything went downhill as follows.

"What I meant was yuna looks more than me than you." I defended myself.

"Why are you being defensive then?"
He replied.

I told him, "I hate you," but whispered
"I love you" afterward.

"I love you too, kira. I never stopped falling for you even after those years.
And now, as I saw you as a mom to my kid, I fell even harder than before."
He said.

"What the fuck is happening? This better not be a dream, or else I'll wish that I don't wanna wake up anymore."


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