009: Surprise

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It was our last day in the hospital. We only stayed here for a day since there weren't any complications that appeared after I gave birth.

Yuna is healthy too, but I still wanted yuna to get checked by a pediatrician before we leave the hospital, so we went to the pediatrician that Doctor claire suggested.

The door through the pediatrician was opened, so me and yuna went inside. There was a nurse who was talking with the pedia, so I sat in the vacant seat for patients. When they finished talking, the doctor then called us.

"Hi, good morning. Were you the one that my wife said to visit here with your newborn?" He asked.

"Yepp, that was us" I answered.

"Okay, great, let's start now, shall we?"
I nodded. As I handed yuna to the doctor, he was shocked to see my daughter's face.

"Why is there something wrong with my baby?" I seriously asked.

"Your baby looks exactly like my son"
He said and called someone. And that someone was the father of my child.


"What dad???"


I heard my dad called my name, so I hurriedly went outside. I couldn't believe my eyes on what I saw.

I saw kira with a baby. She gave birth already. But what's more shocking is that my dad told me something while kira was in front of us listening.

"Son, look, the baby looks exactly just like you when you were a baby. Isn't that amazing?? Oh, by the way, Ms. Choi, may I know the name of the baby?"
My father asked kira while I'm still frozen at my spot as I looked at Kira's newborn baby.

She sounded hesitant at first, but she gave the baby's name anyway.

"Chae Eun is her name, doc."

"Oh, that's a nice name. Your baby's name has a slight similarity on my son's korean name, too. Right, jaeyun??"
He faced me while smiling.

"That's a great coincidence, maybe hahaha" Kira said awkwardly.

"Umm, dad, I'll just use the bathroom"
I said as an excuse, but he didn't let me out. So I sat there facing kira and her baby quietly.

"So I'll start with the basic questions."
Dad continued the session.

"When was chae eun born?"

"October 21" kira answered.

And then a flashback suddenly went through my mind. And It was the night of the 17th of January. I remembered everything in one sit.

Something happened. I used protection, but she removed it. Then, it spilled.
9 months after January was October, and Her baby was literally born yesterday. October 21st. But why didn't she tell me? Was it because we were drunk and she doesn't remember the father? No it can't be.

I need to dive deeper. Chae Eun is also my baby. I'm sure of it. I'm the father of the baby. But I still do need the help of heeseung and jay. To gather more information.

While dad was talking to kira outside, dad made me look after chae eun.

While they talked outside, I started to look closely at the features of chae eun.
She really does look like me but  younger and a female version.

When she started to cry, I gently carried her to make her stop since her father is currently holding her. It's not confirmed yet, but I know soon it will. So I claimed myself as her father already. And this was our first interaction as a father and daughter. She actually stopped crying when I carried her. She knows I'm his dad. "Good Job baby" I smiled.

"I don't know when will we next meet, so I'll just hold you like this 'till your mom comes back. Daddy loves you so much, chae eun. I'll come back for you."

After a few minutes, kira and Dad came back, so I placed chae eun, who was now asleep in the mini bed for babies in dad's clinic. Later on, they already left
And it was my time to contact heeseung and jay.

New characters:

Jay, jake's friend, who's good at investigating.

Heeseung, also jakes friend, who's good at investigating.

Doctor Sim (Portrayed by Kim Seokjin of BTS)


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