026 : Happy

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"I'm sorry i left you." That was the only word that was being said by sophia.

Sunghoon then asked for some private talk with sophia, so kira and jake decided to go inside their house to watch yuna and sandro play.

"Now they're gone. Please tell me the reason why you left me." He begged.

Silence filled in the atmosphere once again. But it broke when a little boy went running to his mom, showing his newly built lego. He was proud of what he's currently showing, but it changed when he saw that her mom wasn't in the mood.

Mom, why do you look like that? And who's this tall guy right now? Is he possibly my dad?" Sandro said.

Meanwhile, sunghoon frozed in his spot after hearing the little boy say dad.
His mind was now recalling back the moments and memories that they had done the deed before sophia left. He looked back at the kid for a while, and he let out a huge gasp.

"Sandro! Seonyou! Come back here!" Sunghoon herd yuna called the little boy's name. He won't lie. it sounded like his name, too.

"Oh, hi uncle hoon, what are you doing here?" Yuna said as he saw her uncle.

"Hi princess! I'm here to visit you. But can you please go inside the house first? I need to talk to them. I'll buy you ice cream later if you listen." He simply said.

Their convo as uncle and niece had improved since the last time that they saw each other. Before, Sunghoon acted awkward in interacting and facing with yuna. He also couldn't erase his cold awra. but now, their bond grew bigger as time went by.

"Okay, uncle, just go inside if you're done talking to Aunt sophie and sandro." She smiled at her uncle first, then bid her goodbye, and she went back inside the house.

"Sophia, tell me the truth. Please be honest in answering." He told sophia, and then she nodded.

Am i the father?"

"I'm sorry i hid him from you for so long. Yes, you are sandro's father." Tears broke down as she said those words in repeat while shuttering. Sandro was confused about why his mom was crying and, at the same time, shuttering. So he just wiped the tears of his crying mother to at least comfort her and to let her know that it's okay, he's here.

"My son," Sunghoon said, then went to sandro to hug him. The kid was confused about why a stranger was hugging him, but he felt that this stranger right now was sad and happy at the same time, so he hugged him back.

While they were hugging, sunghoon uttered the words, "hii, i finally got to meet you. I'm your father, baby." Sandro couldn't believe what he just heard. He finally had a father.

He asked and wished for his mom to tell him about the stories of his unmet father yet but every time he asked his mom, her mom would simply reply with, "Mommy is tired right now. But i promise to tell you stories about him soon." He lost his hope on being able to know more about his father, so he never really asked her mom ever again. But now, as he hugged the man in front of him right now. He finally really felt that he really has a dad now.

Timeskip, They all now went inside together as a family of three. Kira and jake looked like proud parents seeing their own brother and cousin together with their own child. Meanwhile, yuna was confused about why her playmate and her aunt sophie was with her uncle hoon.

"Sandro, why are you with Uncle hoon?" She asked.

"Because he is my father, yuna." Sandro replied. Yuna got what sandro meant right away, so she asked her parents to confirm it.

"Mommy, Daddy, is that true? Is Uncle hoon the dad of sandro?"

"Yes, love. Sandro is not just now your half relative. He is also now your cousin." Jake said.

"That's awesome. So does that mean that grandma and grandpa are now sandro's grandma and grandpa, too?"

"Yes, my love." Kira said.

"Oh right, about mom and dad. How can we tell them about sandro and sophia?"
Sunghoon asked.

"I'll call them right now to go here also with ni-ki. He'll be happy if he gets this news." Kira said and went outside to call their parents and also their brother, ni-ki.

Time passed, and they were all patiently waiting for them to arrive. They heard a car being parked and followed by a doorbell so they knew it was them.

Then again, as always, yuna opens the door to greet them. Ni-ki was the first one who popped in at the doorstep, so when he saw yuna, he smiled, and then he carried her proceeding inside the house. Their parents were as follows.

"So what's the catch, noona? Also, sophia noona, long time no see where had you been? It's been ages since i last saw you. Sunghoon hyung, who's that kid? Why are you carrying him in your lap? Wait, don't tell me...." Ni-ki was cut off by kira to let sunghoon explain the situation.

"Sunghoon hyung, tell it to them." She said.

"Mom, dad, and ni-ki. Meet sandro. He's my son. And this is sophia, my ex, but now we're together again. She's also the mom of sandro. I'm sorry if i'm announcing this all of a sudden, but i couldn't gatekeep my happiness and my own family to you guys. So i had to tell it right away." He explained.

Their parents were now getting emotional. They weren't prepared by the sudden news because not so long ago, they met yuna which on to what they knew she would be the only grandchild to exist in their family for a few years and later on a new grandchild would be born but now she wasn't the only grandchild of their family after all.

"I'm proud of you, my son. Thank you for having the courage to tell us this earlier. Two of my kids have their own kid and family now. I only remember the three of you being small kids who fights everytime but now everything has changed. So, Ni-ki son, please don't have a girlfriend yet. Please don't leave us yet." Their dad said.

"I can't believe it. My grandchildren are two now. I can't wait to spoil both of you. Anyways, hoon and sophia, kira and jake. I wish and hope for your success in parenthood and in marriage." Their mom said.

All four of us nodded and smiled, and this time, we knew that this was the new beginning of our new life and chapters.


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