007: Encounter

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After knowing the gender of my baby, Me and sunoo went directly to the mall to buy baby clothes. Before, we only bought her baby bottles, stocks of diapers, and wipes. Now we can now shop for her clothes. My heart is in awe.

But my whole mood changed when I saw jake with a girl. The saddest part is that the girl is pregnant too. I almost dropped the pink swaddle pack that I was holding, so it caused noise to distract people. I saw him see me but then again he looked away fast. "Shit, he saw me pregnant." I gasped and mumbled.

Sunoo saw me almost dropped the swaddle pack that I was holding, so he went at me and asked me if I'm okay or not. How can I be okay when I just saw the father of my child roaming around the baby store with his pregnant girlfriend, too. Life is unfair. I wish I was her.

"You saw jake, that's why you almost dropped the swaddle, am I right?" Sunoo whispered. I nodded.


I was with sophia when I saw kira inside the baby store that I was in, too. I haven't seen her after graduation, but based on her outfit, she's pregnant. Her baby bump was really visible, so I knew she was pregnant. I saw her looking through the swaddle area, but then she saw me too, maybe.

When I looked away from her, I heard a sound coming from her aisle. Taking a glimpse of what happened She almost dropped the swaddle pack that she was holding. Then sunoo went to her and talked for a bit. He was holding a box pair of pink rainbow socks. They're having a baby girl, that's great.

Since sunoo was with her, I suppose he's the father of the kid. They looked happy looking at each other. Never knew I would see this scenario in real life but in a twisted matter. Because when me and kira were still together before. I
always imagined creating the best life and the almost perfect family type of living with her. I had great plans for the two of us. But months after, she left me.

I felt happy after seeing her having a baby, but sadly, I'm not the father of the kid that she's having. Maybe fate gave us this tragic plot since we weren't meant to be for each other. How sad.

Sophia called my name when she had already finished looking for the stuff needed for the baby. I was looking for kira secretly while walking aisle to aisle at the shop. But I couldn't see her, nor sunoo. So I knew it was time, so we left.


As I saw jake's hand being full because of the paper bags, I saw the girl with him too. I hid at the stuff toy aisle while I watched them leave the store.

I touched my bump, saying, "Don't worry, baby, you have two uncles who are really excited to meet and see you."

Sunoo then tapped me and asked. "What else in the checklist do you need?"

"It's all checked already. Let's pay now."
I said.

After running through some errands, we went to a pizza shop. While eating me and sunoo started gossiping.

"You saw jake with a pregnant girl too, right??" He asked.

"Mhm" I replied.

"If the baby that the girl was carrying in her womb right now is his, Does that mean he fucked two girls in the same year without using any protection??" Sunoo said. I hit him slightly after.

"Well, maybe hers was already planned by them but me, of course not. Remember when I told the two you that I was carrying his baby?" I said.

"You guys used protection at first, but you removed it later on." He said.

"It's my mistake, I know, but it wasn't my fault that his protection was making my insides sore." I continued to say.

"Isn't sore a part of the aftermath of fucking?" He said.

"Well you're right. I have to accept it. I'm dumb." I said.

"Let's go home now, jungwon must be waiting." Sunoo said.


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