018: Who is she?

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Jake left really early, and he was lucky because yuna was awake at that time.
Now we're all alone again in this apartment. Only me and yuna. The room and surroundings were very quiet
and i'm starting to miss jake's company and presence here in the house.

I'll surely miss him more tomorrow since he can't go here because of his work related paperwork. I wanted him not to go, but i can't do that. He's also a working person to survive adulthood. But time is really fast. Next thing we know, he's here again, but now, with jungwon and sunoo, three of them will take care of yuna. I'm excited to witness all three of them here in the house.

My only job to do right now is to wait for my two housemates. I really miss them too, but i miss him more. But anyways i was really bored while waiting for them to come home, so i dressed yuna and myself up to go out and have a little mother and daughter bonding.

We arrived at the mall where we went yesterday together with jake but now it's only the two of us. The first we did at the mall was to eat lunch. I didn't eat lunch at home, so i ate here. Yuna already ate because i breastfeed her before we went out.

After eating lunch at a salad restaurant, i texted jungwon about their whereabouts. He told me that they might be home by 4 pm, so we stayed at the mall a little longer.

I was busy strolling around shop by shop when i saw a familiar figure and a familiar face. Why is she with a girl? Or am i just losing my mind because i really miss him right now.

Deja vu was in my current situation, but now without sunoo. I was basically helpless but with a baby. She was the same girl with him that i saw with sunoo when we went here before to shop clothes and baby stuff after knowing yuna's gender.

What's worse was i saw jake holding the baby. It's probably his again because he looked really happy showing the baby the stuff that his other hand was holding. Then the girl came at them and gave the baby a kiss on the cheek.

I was trying not to overthink and to not jump in conclusions but i couldn't control myself. I was on the verge of breaking down already. It pains me to see him smile, holding another baby.

He's a fucking two timer. He was visiting us, he was telling me sweet and trustworthy words the other day and yesterday yet he also has another girl and a baby too. I fucking hate this. Why did i even believe in his sweet little talks yesterday. You are so dumb akira.

Madness and saddens were really eating me up, so i left the store already. I didn't care anymore if he saw me. All i want to do right now is to leave the mall as quickly as possible.

I even called jungwon to ask them if they could go home as quickly as possible. Good thing they agreed, and they're now on their way home.

As i placed yuna at her carseat at the back, i hit the steering wheel of my car 3 times, then started to cry nonstop.

"What did i do to experience this. Fuck him fuck life. I'm never gonna let him visit yuna now. If killing was legal I would've done it to him by now" I cried as i mumbled those words on repeat.

I only got back to my senses when i heard yuna cry. She's honestly my guardian angel and savior now. That's why I love her so so much.

"I'm sorry love, Mommy will stop now. Let's go home now. Your favorite wonwon and ddeonu must be waiting for us at home." I said as i tried to dry up my tears fast, then went to proceed on driving safely but with a heavy heart.


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