Scene 21 - Rumors spread

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Part 20 of F  L  A  S  H       B  A  C  K   

That was halfway midnight when I arrived home and found my daughter sleeping on the couch and incidentally left the television on. I turned it off and gently woke her up. "Reid... Sweety..."

She calmly opened her eyes and yawned. "Mom? Have you just arrived?" staring at the wall clock.

"Yes, baby. I had to finish a lot of paper works. Have you eaten yet?" I think it's better not to tell her about what truly happened. 

"Already done. How 'bout you?  I cooked your favorite dish, you should try it." :-)

"Yea, I should. Let me try it, but you should go to your room now and sleep. It's late already, you  still have your school tomorrow, right? Go on, sweety. Goodnight." 

"Good night, mom." :-*



Lindsey's P.O.V

(checkin' out the stolen pictures of Kelly and Reid.)

"Kelly and Reid: spotted secretly dating. Aww, what could be the reaction of Tracy about this? Hmm... I can't wait to see her breakin' up with my Kelly! HAHA! Just wait, my dearest Kelly, you're supposed to be mine and now I'm halfway on you, you'll be mine."  >:-D

"Lindsey? What are you doing there? Aren't you going to sleep? It's already past midnight." I immediately hid the photos under my pillow when my sister, Ashley suddenly opened my door. Sh*t! I shouldn't be caught right now nor I won't ever let Ash to break my plans. 

"Didn't you learn how to knock first before getting in?! Mind your own business, meddler! Get lost!" I throw my stuffed toys straight to her face. 

 >:-\ "Fine! Damn, why did I get to have an evil sister like you!? Grrrr!"   Ashley shut the door and leave.



        -7 am-

Back to Reid's P.O.V

(Walking through the hallway to get into my classroom)

I don't know what's going on here... What have I done wrong to these girls who were seriously staring at me? Their eyes were glued from my head down to my toes. What's wrong with them?! or should I ask, What's wrong with me?!  O.O"

"Correct me if I'm wrong but I guess she's the one, the one having a secret affair with Kelly." I heard their rumors about me... WHAT? ABOUT ME?! WTF!   >.<

"You're right. She's the girl on the photos. OMG, Kelly chose that girl over Tracy??! My God, she's not that beautiful. I mean, look at her, Tracy is absolutely more beautiful than her, right?"

"True. Then what did Kelly like about this lass aside from her thug red hair huh? HAHA!" 

Oh no... I think it's about Kelly... Kelly and me? But we're just friends! It doesn't have any malice at all! Why do these gossip girls overact like this?!  

Then, there came Ashley who seemed to deliver a bad news as she was wearing a seriously nervous face.

"Reid! Thank God, I found you. Listen, we should go and hide away from here! C'mon!" She pulled me and we ran together. I just ran with her even if I really don't know the reason why we have to go and hide away. 



(A place far away from school.)

"Wait. I don't really get your point. Why are we hiding from them?" I breathtakingly asked.

"Here, look at these pictures. Somebody posted these on the bulletin and I heard even online. You were spotted with Kelly and I'm sure that Tracy will do something bad on you. She's a possessive girlfriend. That's why nobody attempts to go out with Kelly except from their friends. It'll be a big deal for Tracy since you went out with her girlfriend secretly." Ashley explained.

"Thanks for the concern, Ash. But I think there's nothing that I should worry about. I'm not guilty in the first place. We haven't done anything wrong. I should talk to Tracy and explain everything."

Ashley blocked my way. "No. You don't know her personally. You have no idea of what she can do to you. Just don't do it. Let me be the one to fix this. I'm your best friend and protecting you is my   duty."

Tears scrolled down from my eyes, thinking that I have already lost my bestfriend but no, here she is  and I'm so thankful despite the troubles that I face right now. "Thank you so much, Ash! I really appreciate it.  And I... I'm sorry about..." 

"Sshhh... let's forget about that. I'm sorry Reid but I can only love you so much as my bestfriend and no more. I decided to comprehend your feelings and perhaps, your "lesbianity" but you must  also comprehend my situation.  Hmm? Best friends?" 

I embraced her. "best friends."  ,-__-,



"No one is free to steal my girlfriend. Only bitches do crimes and I'm gonna show her how bitchy I am. Good luck to your life, Li'l Reid."   >:-\

 "That's right, Tracy. Teach this rat an exciting lesson!" Lindsey exhorted.



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