Scene 8 - Grimed soul

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 (Kindly play the youtube video for background music)

Part 7 of F  L  A  S  H        B  A  C  K

Where am I?  The place was so dark that I couldn't almost see anything. It was like an abandoned room where I find myself lying naked on the floor.  It was just a thin sheet of blanket that covers up my whole body.   Oh Jesus, what happened to me?! Can't remember anything. Wh...where's Chad??

Suddenly,  somebody opened the door, entered in here, and turned the light on. 

"Who are you?!  F*ck up! Who did this to me?! How dare you!!!! How dare you!!!" I was crying with fears and shouted for help.

"Keep your mouth shut or else you'll be perished!" he tied up my wrists and put a gag on my mouth.  But I kept on screaming...sceaming...and screaming as I could.

"Enough! I'm deafen by your voice!" a shout from a guy outside.

Wait, that voice... sounds familiar...  Ch..Chad??

"Huh!! Chad??! Wh...what's this all about!? Is it your plan??! You frame me up?? Huh?? Answer me!!!" 

"Yeah. All of those memories we had were just part of my plan.  Reid, you were deceived." he answered without looking into my eyes.

"Damn! How could you do this to me! After all I've done for you, this is how you paid me back?! You're such a hellish man, cursed is your name!! How dare you,Chad! What have I done wrong?! Why'd you have to treat me this way?!"  >:''O

"You actually forget your biggest sin?! Well, I'm not the hellish one here, it's you! You ruined her! You ruined my sister's life!"

"Wh..what??! What are you talking about?! I've never ruined anyone's life! And I don't even know your sister!"

 "Liar!  You're hiding from your sin!  Don't try to say that you're not familiar with Keith Lewis!"



Huh! Keith Lewis?! My eyes blown out  with negative excitement. Yeah... ye..yeah, I know her.  She was my classmate before.  Keith was the nerdy one in the class and has always been bullied by everyone else. Aside from that, I could still recall another thing. She used to admire me for being cool and brute. I remember she once told me, "Please... let me be your mentee. I wanna be like you, I'm sick and tired of those bullies. I can't take them anymore! I beg you, promise I'll do everything you want, just help me. Please?" 

But I didn't pay attention to what she was talkin' about.  I turned my back and did ignore her.  I just don't care about other's life. In the first place, it's her own business, not mine. 

"Wait! I'm begging you Reid Williams!" she kept on following wherever I go until I'd stopped walking because a group of lady gangsters blocked our way. They were my foes, I used to be one of them. 

"Hey, Reid! Glad that I found you here.  Wait, who's that girl behind you?" she grinned. >: )

"You, run now. Run!" I warned Keith but she shook her head.

 "No, I won't leave you! You might be bruised! We'll run together! C'mon!" Keith insisted.

"Shut up! Run now or else you'll get involved here!" 

The riot had started between me and the lady gangsters. There was exchange of hard blows and beating accident. I got bruised at the end of the fight while the leader, my worst enemy, pulled out a butterfly knife and tried to lunge me but Keith hugged me. Yes, she had saved me. She obstructed and unfortunately, she was the one being lunged. There were two strikes on her back and blood was flowing. Policemen came so the gangsters run off hurriedly.  I have to get out of this place so I won't be arrested. 

"Thank you for saving me, I'll let the police to take hold of you. Pssh! I warned you, that's what you get from being stubborn!  Have to go!" 



"Wh...where is she now...?" I asked with a horrible feeling. 

". . .she's dead."    ~____~ "And it's because of you! A group of gangsters was caught that night and they kept on pointing you as their leader and the head of carnage! You killed my sister!"

He was about to hit me on my face.

"No! I didn't kill her! I swear I didn't kill her! Alright, I used to be their leader but not anymore! I left the group that's why they hate me so much and they were trying to kill me for revenge! It was Ced who killed your sister! Chad, believe me, I'm innocent!"

"Shut up! Don't wanna hear your alibis!" he turned around and started walkin' away.  "Steve, go on. Do your job." 

"Yes, boss. Leave this one to me. >:-] " the man grinned and slowly he has drawn nearer.

"No... no... move your hands away from me!" I kicked his face off and I tried to run away but the door was locked and I couldn't open it. "Help!! Somebody help me please!!!" I cried. 

"Nobody will help you!" he grabbed me on my waist and harshly kissed me on my neck.

"No!"  I'd tried so hard to break myself free from him but I didn't win. I was trapped and there was nothing else that I could do.



Aww. Poor Reid.  :'(

 Late update. Hihi. 

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