First Meet

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??: WHAT THE F*CK, how dare you to decide my marriage without my permission.
Mrs min: DON'T SHOUT YOONGI, I decided and I'm telling you, next Sunday is your marriage.
yoongi: NO I will not,how can you take my life's decision
without my permission.
Mr min: yoongi,jimin is really nice boy.
yoongi: so what should I do,if he's nice and you're saying next Sunday. and I'm not ready for marriage.
Mrs min: yoongi, now you're 25.
yoongi: but eomma I didn't even know him.
Mrs min: he is park Jimin, my friend's son,see his photo.

[ yoongi take phone and zoom it. his face turned more frustrated]
yoongi: eomma he... first tell him to eat,pale face and I don't like that much slim. sorry to say but
he's not my type.
Mrs min: yoongi please son.
yoongi: eomma you know na my nature,how can he'll adjust with me, he's looking just 18.
Mrs min: I already ask him,he have no any problem.
[ yoongi hold his head]

yoongi: why can't you understand.
Mrs min: I can't understand,or you're not understanding.
yoongi: I'm not going to marry,tell them I'm not ready.
Mrs min: so you'll not hear me, I didn't ask anything from you Yoongi, can't you do this for your eomma.
yoongi: do whatever you want,go ahead. I'll stand in marriage, but after marriage you also know
what he have to face.[ he left from there]

Mr min: do you really think he'll take care of him. you know na his anger issue, you don't know how
employees are scared from him.
Mrs min: he is my son, I know him.

[ Yoongi lay on bed]
yoongi: ok min yoongi, you are going to marry with Jimin named boy,who is laterally look's like a kid.
why the hell he said yes in this early age,we didn't even meet. what is happening with my life, it's not
that I have problem in arrange marriage but atleast
I want someone my type... in one week, why eomma decide so early.
Jimin.... name is cute... my husband, you have one week please say no. coz I can't refuse my eomma.
she have blood pressure issue.
good night yoongi, sleep with heartattack.


j's uncle: who call them here and how they know Jimin. you know na he is about to complete his 18; and
we already decide that we'll kill him. now how can we get this property.
ruhoon: then why you said yes.
aunty: it's ok,  everything is still in our hands, you two relax.
uncle: how.
aunty: he will sign on papers, what we planned after he complete his 18,we decided after taking his sign
we'll kill him...
ruhoon: but why you not take his sign now.
aunty: he can't take his sign before his 18 . and if he die before 18 then property will transfer to orphanage
ruhoon: I don't care just cancel this marriage.

~ next day~
[ yoongi come downstair with poker face]
yoongi: you guys really want me to marry him.
Mrs min: we already talk last night right.
yoongi: In which University he's studying.
[ Mr and Mrs min look at each other]

Mrs min: actually yoongi,he lost his parents when he was 6 and after that he didn't continue his studies.
Yoongi: WHAT YOU MEAN BY DIDN'T CONTINUE. are you two out of your mind,eomma your son is CEO.
Mrs min: listen. I want Jimin as my son in law and this is my final decision.
[ yoongi clapped]

yoongi: wow okay... last question. he know how to cook?
Mrs min: he love cooking.
yoongi: I guess this,ok I'm going to office.[ he left]


~ 4 Days Later~
[ yoongi stop the car in front of jimin's house]
Mrs min: come.
yoongi: you go, I don't want to come there and don't forget I'm coming bcoz of you.
Mrs min: ok relax.
[ she come out for car and enter in jimin's house]

j'aunty: they are come to take you. but don't forget what I said if you try to tell them anything then you know na.
Jimin [ in mind] they didn't beat me from two days,
they didn't stop this marriage.
j'aunty: now go sult.

[ jimin and Mrs min come out from home, Jimin look up and immediately look down]
Mrs min: yoongi.
[ yoongi turn and remove his sunglasses,his eyes fall on jimin. soft smile appear on his face. he
immediately turn his face in cold]

Mrs min: Jimin meet him,he is yoongi.
Yoongi: we'll introduce us later, I have important meeting at evening. sit.
[ yoongi sit on driving sit, Mrs min and Jimin sit on passanger sit.]

~ time skip~
~ at mall~
yoongi: eomma buy whatever you want but please fast.
Mrs min: Jimin one minute baby, I'll just come, yoongi come with me.
[ she take yoongi aside]

Mrs min: yoongi what is this tone.
yoongi: now what? eomma I'm doing as you want.
Mrs min: but atleast talk sweetly,how it feel in front of him.
[ yoongi grab his hair in frustration]
yoongi: ok but I can't give my guarantee
Mrs min: ok come.
[ they come towards Jimin]

yoongi: excuse me, show us wedding white suit.
girl: ok sir.
[ she show them a beautiful white suite]

Yoongi: go and try this.
[ jimin look down,yoongi look at him in confused, yoongi look at Mrs min,he come close to Jimin and hold
his hand, he take jimin towards changing room.]
yoongi: change here, I'm waiting outside.

[ Jimin nodded and yoongi come out from changing room]
[ after sometime,jimin come out,yoongi look at him]
yoongi: good,do you like this.
[ jimin nodded]

yoongi: ok go change it, we'll buy this.
[ they buy their suits and come out from mall]

mark: Jimin you here,oh aunty you also.
Mrs min: you mark .
mark: yes aunty.
Mrs min: mark, I'm inviting you for jimin's marriage.
mark: jimin's marriage.
Mrs min: yes with my son.
mark: I'm so happy for you jimin, congratulations and ofcourse aunty I'll definitely come.

yoongi: eomma I'm getting late.
mark: ok aunty bye, bye Jimin.
[ they sit in car and yoongi started driving, suddenly yoongi stop the car.]

Mrs min: what happen Yoongi.
yoongi: eomma, from morning we're outside. obviously he is hungry.
[ Jimin look at yoongi,his eyes got teary,he control himself.]

Mrs min: you two go, actually I have some work, I'll call driver he'll come to pick me.
yoongi: are you sure.
Mrs min: Yes yoongi, and then drop him home ok.
yoongi: ok.

[ they come out from car,yoongi started walking towards
restaurant, Jimin stood there while looking down,yoongi turn.]
yoongi: Jimin... Jimin...
[ he come towards Jimin and hold his hand.]
yoongi: come, let's go.
[ Jimin look at his hand which is securely holded by
yoongi, they started walking.]

~ Hello guys I change the story name" My Mysterious Husband" to " My Husband".
Bcoz the title was to long I think I hope you all understand.

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