Part 8

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~ next day~
[ Jimin open his eyes and saw yoongi is not there,he checked the bathroom then immediately come downstairs]
Jimin: y... you..le.. left.
Jimin: [ in mind] didn't eat anything... please don't do this...

~ time skip at night~
[ Jimin is waiting for yoongi while looking at clock]
Jimin: 10:30...[ tears escape from his eyes]
[ suddenly Yoongi enter in house and look at jimin in anger, Jimin look down]
yoongi: come here.
[ Jimin look up with teary eyes]
yoongi: is our water tank is full Jimin, I said you na come here.[ yoongi shook his head in disbelief and come towards Jimin]

yoongi: you will not heard me. this is what you vowed.
[ Jimin nodded as no,yoongi wipe his tears]
yoongi: water tank is full Jimin, now where we store this water.[ yoongi cup jimin's face]
yoongi: now stop Jimin.
yoongi: you know what I'm so angry on you. how dare you to sleep on floor. you know I get angry very quickly and that time my tounge is not in my control.
[ Jimin close his eyes]
yoongi: now stop and is you feel scared by me.
[ Jimin started sobbing]
yoongi: oh god.[ he hold his hand around jimin's shoulder and pull him closer]
yoongi: Jimin my chin is still paining.
[ Jimin look up, he's about to touch yoongi's chin but stop]
Jimin: I... I' sorry.
[ yoongi hold jimin's hand and put it on his cheek]
yoongi: I'm sorry.[ he hold jimin's another hand and touched his another cheek]
yoongi: I shout too much right.[ Jimin nodded as no,yoongi wipe jimin's tears.]
yoongi: come jimin let's sit.
[ he made Jimin sit on couch and give him water]
yoongi: drink it.
[ yoongi sit beside him]

Jimin [ in mind]: tears are not stopping, why you're like this.
[ he look at yoongi and hug him tightly,yoongi chuckle]
yoongi: what is this?
[ Jimin hide his face in yoongi's neck.]
yoongi: little kid,come here,sit properly.
[ he made Jimin sit on his lap and hold his arms around him]
Jimin [ in mind]: now I have someone,whom I can call mine.
you scold me... I'm sorry to make you angry.
yoongi: I know you didn't eat anything right, but it's not good Jimin.
don't make me angry na,come let's eat.

~ 3 Days Later~

[ yoongi open his eyes,he look at himself then look at jimin.]
yoongi: that's why... I thought why I feel cold, pulled all blanket from me... he disturb my sleep.
[ he try to pull blanket but Jimin again hold it tightly]
yoongi: this boy..[ he touched jimin's cheek]
yoongi: cold.
[ he slowly enter in blanket,he hold jimin's waist and pull him closer]
yoongi: legs also open,how he covered, stupid boy.
[ he cover jimin's legs and cover their faces]
yoongi [ in mind]: don't know what I'm doing, why I'm doing... but I know one thing that I'm not adjusting, it's just my heart saying to take care of your and I promise I will.
[ he caressed jimin's hair]

~time skip~
[ Jimin open his eyes and saw yoongi is getting ready for office,he look at time]
Jimin [ in mind]: it's 9 , and I didn't make breakfast.
yoongi: good morning Jimin, bye now I'm leaving ok.
jimin: b.. breakfast..
yoongi: I will eat outside and if I come to know that you didn't eat your meal on time, then you know na your husband's anger.
[ Jimin look down. yoongi come close to him and kiss on his forehead.]
yoongi: stupid boy, take care.[ he left]
[ tears escape from jimin's eyes,he again lay down]
jimin [ in mind]: eomma appa you see how he behaves... today one week is complete, I come here from that hell.
I'll never go there again. you send angel for me right.

~ time skip at night~
[ door bell ring and jimin open the door. yoongi enter in house and put the suitcase in jimin's hand.]
yoongi: fucking bastards all are useless, that fucking architect, didn't complete the model, telling him from week, go and serve the dinner.
[ yoongi left upstairs,jimin look at him]
jimin [ in mind]: angry.

[ after sometime yoongi come downstairs and sit on dinning table,jimin sit beside him, Jimin look at yoongi's face,who is still angry.]
yoongi: why are you looking at my face, give that glass and eat.
[ jimin give water to yoongi and started eating while looking
down. yoongi finished his dinner and left]
Jimin [ in mind]: he is so angry..
[ jimin wash the plates and enter in their room. he saw yoongi is sitting on bed with working on his laptop.
jimin take the table clock and put it in front of yoongi, and lay on bed,yoongi saw the clock]
yoongi: 1:00
[ he look at Jimin]
yoongi: why are you not sleeping.[ jimin look at yoongi's face]
yoongi: come here.
[ yoongi take jimin's head on his lap.]
yoongi: are you tired.[ jimin nodded as no]
Jimin: A... angry...[ yoongi smile]
yoongi: you scared...[ Jimin look down]
yoongi: you know it's my habit, don't be scared...
[ he hold jimin's chin and made him look up]
yoongi: if I not tell you, then whom I tell that I'm angry. you know what I think now deal will cancel.
Jimin: d.. don't..wa.. warry.
yoongi: then what can I do.
Jimin: s... sleep..
yoongi: your voice is so cute, talk like this it's feel good,I know you feel fear to talk but stutter is not problem jimin.
[ tears escape from jimin's eyes]
yoongi: again you start.
[ yoongi lean his face and kiss on jimin's eyes]
yoongi: come let's sleep or you'll cry whole night.
[ they lay on bed]
Jimin: g . good...n.. night..
yoongi: good night jimin... my good boy, you know you snatch my blanket from me yesterday,come here you'll not feel cold.
[ he take jimin in his embrace and they fall in sleep]

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