Are You Ready??

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[ jimin open his eyes.]
Jimin- y...yoon
Yoongi- let me sleep jiminie [mumbling]
Jimin- ok. [ Jimin is about to get up but Yoongi hold his hand and pull him back.]
Yoongi- what ok, I want cuddle
[ he cup jimin's face.]
Yoongi- jiminie from now forget everything about past, from now I want my jimin strong, you'll not scared by anyone or anything, not even from min Yoongi, promise me.
[ jimin nodded as yes.]
Yoongi- remember you're not weak, don't show them that you're weak, I know you're able to fight for yourself
remember everytime you're husband can't come to protect you.
[ jimin's eyes got teary, he nodded.]
Yoongi- your tears are your strength, not weakness.
[ jimin hug Yoongi.]
Jimin- t... thank y.. you.
Yoongi- Mr.min Jimin, find any other way to say thank you.
[ Jimin look at Yoongi with confused face.]
Yoongi- this boy didn't understand anything.

[ Yoongi hover over on jimin, jimin look down. Yoongi press his lips on jimin's neck and started giving him wet kisses, mo@n escape from jimin's mouth he close his eyes tightly, Yoongi look up and slowly peck jimin's lips.]
Yoongi- beautiful. [ he pinch jimin's nose.]
Yoongi- now open your eyes, next time I want my thank you like this. [ Jimin open his eyes.]
Yoongi- or like this [ he pecked jimin's both cheeks.] or this [ kiss on forehead] or [ kiss on nose.]
and I'll be so happy if you thank me like this
[ he press his lips on jimin's]
Yoongi- you know na husband's things.
[ jimin nodded while blushing.]
Yoongi- ok now let's continue our cuddle.

- Time Skip-
Yoongi- jiminie you're coming with me right?
[ Jimin nodded as no, Yoongi cup his face.]
Yoongi- why, I told you na.
[ jimin touched yoongi's hands.]
Jimin- n.. not w..weak, go y..yoongi~ah I w.. will t.. take care and I r.. really l.. like to w.. wait for y.. you [ Yoongi smile]
Yoongi- ok but you'll not go out from house also not for market. [ Jimin nodded.]
Jimin- y.. you'll come e.. early r.. right, no I'm n.. not s.. scared j.. just a.. asking.
Yoongi- I'll try to come before nine ok.
Jimin- I w..want c... chocolate.
Yoongi- ok I'll bring, anything else Mr.min?
Jimin- d... don't t.. take s.. stress bcoz of me I w..want your s.. smile.
[ Yoongi smile shyly.]
Yoongi- ok bye bye darling.
[ Jimin look at yoongi's face with weird look.]
Yoongi- you are my, don't give this look kid.
[ jimin smile and Yoongi left.]
Jimin- d... darling [ jimin hide his face by his hands and blush]

{ one month is passed Jimin started
getting out from his depression,
Yoongi always taking care of him
Jimin started finding his happiness in Yoongi}

Yoongi- JIMIN... JIMIN... [ Jimin come downstairs.]
Jimin- w... what
Yoongi- you use my laptop.
[ jimin look down and nod.]
Yoongi- are you playing video games?
[ jimin close his eyes, Yoongi look at him with angry face he come close to jimin and grab his ear.]
Yoongi- Mochi, you make all storage full.
Jimin- s... sorry [ his eyes got teary.]
Yoongi- JIMINIE...[ jimin started sobbing Yoongi made him sit on couch.]

Jimin- I am s.. sorry I w..was r.. reading on l.. laptop t.. then I s..saw ad a.. and d.. download
Yoongi- when?
Jimin- w.. when was s..sleeping.
[ Yoongi pinch on jimin's nose.]
Yoongi- I'm confused that you're innocent or noughty I have to punish you. [ he wipe jimin's tears.]
Jimin- I w.. will not a.. again.
Yoongi- stop crying, choose your favourite one and delete other.
[ jimin look up and smile.]

Jimin- c.. can I c.. choose t.. two.
[ Yoongi chuckle but pretend serious.]
Yoongi- one means one.
[ jimin make sad pout.]
Jimin- t.. two p.. please
Yoongi- ok but you'll play for only one hour.
[ Jimin nodded.]

Yoongi- your punishment is, I'll not take you out for one week.
Jimin- t.. thank you [ he take laptop,
Yoongi smack on jimin's head.]
Yoongi- kid.
Jimin- s.. studying.
Yoongi- oh sorry sorry..[ he caressed jimin's hair.]
Yoongi- I have some work so I'm going ok
Jimin- s... Sunday.
Yoongi- I know, I'll come within an hour.
[ Jimin nodded and Yoongi left.]

yoongi: are you ready.
??: yes hyung
yoongi: I don't want to hurt him, but I only have this option. feeling guilty
and hurt but we can't tell him. my Jimin is so innocent.
??: don't warry hyung just for hours, we don't have any proof.
yoongi: I just want to give my Jimin justice. now his health is started improving, I don't know my
plan how will impact on him, and you don't over act.
??: I know hyung.
yoongi: so tomorrow,on time.
??: I will.

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