They Will Snatch You...

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- Three days later-

[ jimin's phone ring, he pick the call.]
Yoongi- who is?
[ phone dropped from jimin's hand, he immediately take the phone and hung up, he come towards Yoongi and hold his arm.]
Yoongi- what happen. [ he turned]
Yoongi- what happen Jimin.?
Jimin- ..d.. don't.g..go
Yoongi- we are going to shopping,
[ jimin nodded as no]
Yoongi- you're coming and it's final, I don't like to repeat again and again.
[ Jimin hold yoongi's hand.]
Yoongi- don't warry I'll hold you.
Yoongi- [ in mind] I didn't buy anything for you maybe you like it, but it's hurt seeing you in same clothes..

- at mall-

Yoongi- look jimin, it will look beautiful on you.
Jimin- I...d... don't.. w... want
Yoongi- oh shut up.
Yoongi- pack this ten jeans.
salesman- ok sir.
Yoongi- let's go jimin, where is shorts.?
Jimin- s...shorts..?
Yoongi- you don't want shorts ok then something comfortable.
Jimin- ..i.. it's e... enough w..we a.alr_
Yoongi- don't utter any single word [ cold tone]
Yoongi- let's go Jimin, we are buying shirts.

[ after buying lot of things, they come out from cloth section Yoongi take jimin in jwelary section.]
Yoongi- buy what you like.
Jimin- e.. expensive
Yoongi- you have five minutes go and select something or I'll leave you here.
jimin- p.. please.
Yoongi- 4 minutes 45 seconds, you're wasting the time min Jimin.
[ jimin turn and started looking.]

- five minutes later-
[ jimin smile and turn, he look here and there.]
Jimin- [ in mind] Yoongi where you..
[ jimin's eyes got teary.]
Yoongi- excuse me, where are you looking?
[ jimin turn, Yoongi fold his hands]
Yoongi- oh god jimin, you should leave in the desert.
[ he cup jimin's face.]
Yoongi- you are my brave boy, did you select?
[ jimin nodded and show the broach to Yoongi.]
Yoongi- broach and you'll use this,
We didn't buy suit for you.
[ jimin smile]
Jimin- f...for yo... you.
Yoongi- I tell you to buy for you.
Jimin-. t.. tell
Yoongi- cheater [ Jimin smile]
Yoongi- give me your hand.
[ Yoongi wear bracelet in jimin's hand.]
Yoongi- beautiful..ok you wait outside, I'll just pay the bill.
[ jimin nodded and come out.]

?? - baby boy...[ jimin froze on his spot]
?? - you know mom, jimin didn't pick my call, he buy phone and didn't tell us.
[ they come towards Jimin.]
j'aunty- you learn so fast my son, add number in block list.
[ tears escape from jimin's eyes.]
j'aunty- did you saw his face glow ruhoon.
ruhoon- beautiful sult.
j'aunty- I miss you so much son.
[ she hug Jimin.]
ruhoon- hello brother in law.
Yoongi- hello aunty, [ cold tone]
j'aunty- hello son. [ she broke the hug]
j'aunty- see son yesterday you give me jimin's number and when I call him, he didn't pick.
Yoongi- actually I told him to not pick unknown number.
j'aunty- oh...[ she wipe jimin's tears.]
j'aunty- don't cry baby, I know you also miss us.
Yoongi- jimin stop crying. [ he hold jimin by shoulder.]
j'aunty- ok son now we have to go, bye jimin don't forget us and take care [ she left]
Yoongi- if you missing them that much then why couldn't you go to meet them.
[ jimin hold yoongi's arm]
Jimin- h...home..
Yoongi- ok. [ pocker face]
Jimin- a.. angry?
Yoongi- is this is new, no na let's go home yesterday she call me so I give her your number.
[ Yoongi started taking steps.]
Yoongi- come.
[ Jimin look at Yoongi his vision started blurring and he fall on floor.]
Yoongi- JIMINNNn
[ he run towards Jimin, he sit on his knees and take Jimin in his embrace and started shaking him.]
Yoongi- Jimin... Jimin open your eyes Jimin..
[ yoongi's body started sweating, he started patting jimin's cheek.]
Yoongi- Jimin...jiminie..

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