y..yes I d..do { Wedding}

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~ next morning~

[ Jimin is still sitting holding his knees. suddenly door bell ring,ruhoon open the door]
ruhoon: who are you??
[ mark enter the room and sit on couch.]
ruhoon: oh Mr who are you.
mark: aunty.

[ j'aunty come there]
j'aunty: you
mark: actually aunty,min aunty send me here to help you in wedding and also she give some money to give you.
j'aunty: why she give_ [ she take money from mark's hand]
mark [ in mind]: taking money and asking why.

mark: aunty where is jimin's room. I'll stay with him tonight.
j'aunty: jimin's room...[ she look at ruhoon]
j'aunty: amm...come I'll show you.
mark: no aunty tell me I'll go.
j'aunty: upstairs left one.
mark: ok and where is Jimin.
j'aunty: he's in kitchen....
mark: ok I'm going to meet him.[ he left]

j'aunty: why he come here...we didn't allow that sult
to use that room... but it's ok only for one day.
[ showing money to ruhoon]

[ mark enter the kitchen,his eyes fall on Jimin. who is still holding the suit.]
mark: Jimin...[ he is about to touch him, but jimin immediately back away]
Jimin: ... no... p...please...
[ mark hold jimin's arms]
mark: Jimin... Jimin... it's me mark..
[ Jimin look up]
mark: calm down and come with me.
[ Jimin stood, still holding the suit. mark take him in room and close the door]

mark: what happen Jimin,is that mother fucker again beat you...
[ Jimin look at his concern face,tears started rolling from his eyes]
Jimin: ...he...he...
mark: don't cry... you're safe. wipe your tears and give it to me.
[ he hold jimin's suit. but Jimin back away and nodded no]

mark: ok...ok..go and sleep, tomorrow is your wedding Jimin... and please trust me... you know what when first
time I saw you, I realise that something is wrong with you and that day when I saw your aunty and bruises on your hand then I come to know what is matter, believe me I just wanted to help you... can you please
trust on your friend.
[ Jimin hug him and started crying]

mark: stop crying Jimin, now everything will fine and yoongi hyung will take you from here with him.
now go and sleep you need...
[ first time jimin feel that he can believe on a stranger]

~time skip at evening~
mark: Jimin you woke?
[ Jimin open his eyes]
mark: you didn't eat anything from morning, wait I'll bring something for you.
[ he come towards Jimin]

mark: and now put that suit aside, tomorrow you have to wear it.[ jimin nodded as no]
mark: jimin tomorrow is your wedding, you'll go to him.
[ he take suit from jimin's hand and put it on table]
mark: I'll order something for you...
Jimin: I...i..d.. d.. don't
mark: then how can you stand in wedding. wait I'll just come.[ he left]
[ Jimin again lay on bed]
jimin [ in mind]: ... why he did that...he is my hyung...

j'aunty: how dare you to sleep on bed.
[ she grab jimin's arm and push him on floor]
aunty: don't forget this is your right place and how dare you to bleming on my son you sult.do you really think anyone can like to sleep with you.
no one can even touch a garbage like you.
Jimin: ...b.. but.. I'm..n.. not lying...
aunty: enjoy today, when they will kick you out of their house, then you have to come here...[ she left]
Jimin: ..y...yoongi...is.. not..l.. like you..

~Marriage day~

[ Jimin wear his suit and stand in front of mirror]
Jimin [ in mind]: eomma appa your Jimin is going to marry... give blessings to your Jimin.. I will do anything as he want,no matter if he treat me like maid. I will be happy...
[ tears started rolling from his eyes,mark enter in room]
mark: jimin... crying.. don't cry... get ready fast... wait I'll help you.
[ he wipe jimin's tears and started applying makeup on jimin's face]
mark: they come and you know what Yoongi hyung is looking so
handsome and my friend also looking so pretty.

[ jimin's uncle and aunt enter]
aunty: mark Mrs min calling you.
mark: ok I'll just come Jimin..[ he left]
aunty: and you bastard don't forget what I said to you.. your CEO husband is very rich right..i... enjoy.
[ Jimin look at her with teary eyes]
aunty: go and marry with him I'll show you later.
[ uncle grab jimin's arm tightly]
uncle: come son your groom is waiting..

yoongi's p.o.v
I'm standing in front of priest, suddenly door open and I saw Jimin enter with his uncle... he's looking pretty in that white suit but same as that day. no smile, eyes are looking down and not like other grooms,no shyness no blush on face...his uncle give his hand on my hand
and he went away... I look at his face, he didn't apply much makeup... looking simple but pretty...
my groom is different than others...

my groom is different than others

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Yoongi's look....

Yoongi's look

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Jimin's look

priest: do you min yoongi take park Jimin as your lawful wedded husband.??
yoongi: yes I do..[ cold tone]
priest: do you park Jimin take min yoongi as your lawful wedded husband?
[ Jimin is continuously looking down]
yoongi: Jimin...
[ Jimin look up with his teary eyes]
priest: do you park Jimin take min yoongi as your lawful wedded husband.??
Jimin: ...y...yes.. I..d...do...[ tears escape from his eyes]
yoongi [ in mind]: angelic voice... with Stutter...
priest: so I pronouns you as husband and husband you may kiss now.
[ yoongi cup jimin's face,he wipe his tears and press his lips on his forehead, Jimin close his eyes feeling
yoongi's lips on his forehead..]
yoongi: don't cry.

~ time skip~
[ yoongi made Jimin sit in car]
Mrs min: take care of him ok.
yoongi: I know.
Mrs min: come here.
yoongi: now what...[ he come towards Mrs min]

Mrs min: yoongi he is just 17 so take a good care of him and don't be angry on him ok.
yoongi: what the fuck.. you don't have brain, you mean I'm married with kid,how dare you.
Mrs min: relax yoongi he'll turn 18 in next month.
yoongi: eomma appa don't come to my home ok... don't interfere in my life and I'll take care of my
husband, my little husband.
[ he open car's door harshly,he sit in and slammed the door, and drive the car towards his new house which is gifted by his parents]


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