happy birthday dear jimin

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~Next Day~
[ yoongi fixing his tie while admiring jimin,he look at mirror then again look at Jimin.]
yoongi: seriously me... my baby you're so innocent, your choice is very bad, but if you decide to give this
small heart to me, then I'll take care but I'm again saying you have very bad choice.
[ he come close to jimin and kiss on his forehead.]
yoongi: happy birthday in advance baby.
[ he shake Jimin.]
yoongi: jimin woke up. I'm leaving.
[ jimin slowly open his eyes,he look at yoongi.]
Jimin: b.. but.
yoongi: don't warry about breakfast I'll eat and I'll try to come before six.
Jimin: I..j.. just..w.want...to tell.. th.at's...why..i.. s.. said.. y.. you...an.. angry..
[ yoongi nodded as no.]
yoongi: no I'm not angry but your choice is very bad.
jimin: b... best..
yoongi: shut up, best, you have to see his face again. ok take care...
[ he cup jimin's face and kiss on his forehead]

yoongi: don't forget to eat on time ok or no one will save you from my scold... [ Jimin nodded]
yoongi: I will miss you.and our both water tanks are full so no need extra water ok.
[ he wipe jimin's eyes.]
yoongi: my emotional fool, bye. and don't you dare to sleep at afternoon.
jimin: I...w.. will.. not...
yoongi: I'm going ok [ he left]
jimin: I.. I.. love...y.. you.. I'll..do..on.ly ..f.. for.. you..

[ jimin complete his morning routine and House work,he take diary and pen]
Jimin: I...d.. don't..w.. want to l..lose..y.. you.. I..kn.ow.
y.. you..w.. will ha.te me if..t.. they...
[ tears escape from jimin's eyes,he wipe it]
Jimin [ in mind]: I will not cry, you said I'm your strong boy.
[ Jimin locked the door and left]

~ at evening~
jimin [ in mind]: uncle give me money of my past work,
now I'll give this money to them. jimin go fast.. yoongi~ah said he'll come early..
[ he started taking steps fastly]

[ jimin is about to open the door, suddenly he heard car's sound,he turn,yoongi come out from car.]
yoongi: Jimin where?
Jimin: y...yoon...
Yoongi: relax. [ he come close to jimin and wipe jimin's sweat from his forehead]
yoongi: are you coming from somewhere?
[ jimin nodded]
yoongi: ok, now let's go inside, open it.

~ one hour later~
jimin [ in mind]: didn't ask me, that where were I was... they
was always beat me without reason and you..

[ jimin enter in their room and saw yoongi is sleeping. jimin come close to him and caressed his hair.]
jimin: s.. sleep...

~at midnight~
[ jimin open his eyes when he feel cold,he move his hand]
jimin: y..yoongi..w.. where..a.. are you...
[ jimin switch on the button]
jimin [ in mind]: what happen to it.
jimin: Y.. YOONGI..W.. WHERE.. A.RE..Y..YOU ..Y..YOON.. IT'S..D..DARK..
[ jimin got panicked,tears started rolling from his eyes]
jimin [ in mind]: where are you yoongi.
[ suddenly door is opened]
yoongi: happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you..
happy birthday dear jimin...

[ yoongi turn on the lights,jimin look here and there... all room is decorated with balloons and colourful lights..
yoongi put the cake on table and come close to jimin, he wipe his tears]
yoongi: happy birthday..
[ jimin hug him tightly]
jimin: m.. my..b.. birthday?
yoongi: you don't remember pabo. come let's cut the cake..
[ yoongi hold jimin by shoulder and made him sit on couch.]
[ jimin look at cake then look at yoongi's face and started
sobbing badly. yoongi take jimin in his embrace.]

yoongi: you don't like my surprise, that's why crying?
jimin: d.. don't..s..stop me.
[ yoongi broke hug]
yoongi: ok I'll not stop you,cry maybe you'll stop till morning, good night I'm going to sleep and cake I'll
put it in fridge.
[ jimin put his finger in cake and lick it.]
yoongi: bad manners,jimina there is knife na.
[ jimin put his all fingers in cake and started licking his fingers.
yoongi hold jimin by shoulder,his eyes got teary.]
yoongi: it's your baby.

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