Strom Before the Beginning

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~ Next Day~
[ door bell rang]
Jimin [ in mind]: yoongi~ah this time, open jimin or he'll shout.
[ jimin open the door]
??: surprise.
[ jimin wide his eyes and hug]
jimin: m..mark..h..hyung.
mark: thank god, you remember me.
[ jimin started sobbing]
mark: stop jimin... you'll not gonna take me inside.
[ jimin broke the hug and wipe tears]
jimin [ in mind]: yoongi~ah said don't, but mark hyung is not stranger.
jimin: c...come.
[ they come inside mark sit on couch]
mark: so how are you jimin?
jimin: f.. fine.
mark: sit here, don't stood there. I'm your friend right.
[ he hold jimin's hand and made him sit beside him]

mark: you know I miss you so much, my daily routine of seeing you every evening, but now there is only
empty street. BTW is you still visiting to your uncle aunty.
[ tears started rolling from jimin's eyes,his body started shaking]
mark: hey jimin relax...[ he cup jimin's face]
mark: relax...relax...[ he hug Jimin,who is sobbing]
[ mark immediately broke the hug]

Jimin- y..yoon
Yoongi- what is going on here Jimin
[ he come to Jimin and grab his hand.]
Jimin- w.. what h... happen y..yoon?
Yoongi- what is he doing in house this what you doing behind me right. who is he your? boyfriend
[ tears started rolling from jimin's eyes he nodded as no]
Jimin- no y..yoon
Yoongi- then why the fuck, you're in his embrace so that's why you're saying no to come with me to office
[ jimin continuosly nodding no,
his body started shaking.]
Jimin- yoon, k.. know hy_
Yoongi- just shut up, do you think I'm fool, in front of my eyes he's touching you.
mark- I'm sorry jimin, now your husband know about us there is no way to hide, afterall he catch us by hands.
Jimin- HYUNG, W.. what are t.. talking huh.
[ he turn to Yoongi and cup his face.]
Jimin- y..yoon I o.. only l.. love you you know na h.. he's l.. lying..
mark- oh come on Jimin, you said you love me then why are you lying?

Jimin- s..shut up i.. I'm t.. trusting you b.. but y.. you're a.. also like r.. ruhoon h..hyung,
Yoongi- enough jimin, get lost from my house, wait you'll not go by yourself.
[ he grab jimin's hand and drag him out, he drag jimin in car and started driving. Jimin is crying Messily.]

[ Yoongi stop the car, Jimin look up.]
Jimin- y..yoongi~ah p.. please.
[ Yoongi look at Jimin and take him out from car and started dragging him towards house Jimin harshly jerk yoongi's hand.]
Jimin- n..not t.. trusting r.. right then k.. kill I'll s... suicide but n.. not go.
[ jimin started running from there, Yoongi run behind him and hold his hand.]
Yoongi- jiminie stop, stop your drama.
[ he drag jimin inside the house and leave his hand.]

Mr.park - YOONGI...
Yoongi- TAKE YOUR SON... behind me, calling his boyfriend in house.
Yoongi- and I'm sorry ruhoon...
I can't take him in front of my eyes anymore he didn't let me touch him, today I know why
Jimin- Y..YOONGI~AH... W... WHEN... I n.. never s..stop you a..all are s... same go, l.. leave me l.. like e..eomma appa.
[ Mr.park hold jimin.]

Mr.park - why you did this Jimin.
Jimin- l . leave l..
[ Yoongi grab his Fist tightly.]
Yoongi- leave him uncle, he not deserve anyone's love
[ he started taking steps towards door.]
Jimin- Y...YOON I L.. LOVE Y... YOU..
[ Yoongi left, Mrs.park enter in house with smile.]
Mrs park - done
[ she pushed Jimin on floor.]

Mr.park - what a actor he's right what he think we're fool [ he grab jimin's hair.]
Mr.park- looking like he didn't envolve you in his plan ok let me tell you shit, your husband don't have any
proof against us, that's why he leave you here he thought we'll torture you, take you're sign and that right time he'll come with cops and catch us
by hands and Jimin why are you crying baby he believe on you and love you so much that he can do anything for you.
[ he slapped jimin.]

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