My Angel No Need Wings ✨[ happy Ending]

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[ jimin is standing in window, while looking at yoongi, who is sleeping
peacefully,jimin again look outside and look up to sky.]
jimin [ in mind]: this stars,who is shining in this dark night and this cold wind which touching my soul.
aish.. Jimin winter is start don't you have brain.
[ smile appear on his face.]
jimin [ in mind]: this stars, this wind remembering me, how my angel come in my life.

jimin:[ in mind] and eomma appa see I'm not missing you. now you're happy na, your mochi is happy. you know eomma appa,yoon is not just my husband,he became my parents,
who hold my hand and teach me how to walk in this world. he is my teacher, who always teach me, motivate me with every steps. eomma appa I love him so much and I'm so happy to have this family. you know
eomma appa love me so much.
[ he again look at yoongi,who is now sleeping while holding his knees towards chest.]
jimin: s... sorry h.. hubby. [ he close the window and come towards yoongi and cover him by blanket.]
jimin [ in mind]: my cat.
[ he kiss on Yoongi's forehead.]
yoongi: you didn't sleep yet [mumbling]
[ jimin patted yoongi's head.]
jimin: s.. sleep..s.. sleep.[ whisper]
jimin [ in mind]: you change my life yoon, thank you. my darling hubby.[ he blush]

Jimin:[ in mind] I still feel Shiver when you call me darling. and after a
year also this Jimin is not changed he still feel same scared. when yoon shout or got angry. but I don't want
yoon to change bcoz jimin love his angry, bcoz yoon's anger is first thing for that jimin fall. I still remember our first meet, you shout at me in
restaurant for not eating. first time I feel care for me in someone's eyes. maybe you feel weird that time.
first time I ate chocolate pastry and now that is my favourite. yoon thank you for loving this stutter boy.
[ he lay top on yoongi and hug him tightly.]

yoongi: amm...hey baby..let me sleep.
jimin: I.. I.. love y.. you..y..yoon.
yoongi: but yoon want to sleep.
jimin: y..yoon c.. can I..k..kiss y.. you.
yoongi: No.
jimin: t.. thank...y.. you..y..yoon.[ he pecked yoongi's lips.]
[ yoongi hold jimin's waist and pushed him on beside him, and turn opposite side.]
yoongi: let me sleep and do whatever you want.
jimin: t.. thank..y.. you y..yoon.[ he pecked yoongi's cheek and backhug him tightly.]

yoongi: jiminie what happen to you. are you needy. want yoon to love you.
[ jimin playfully punch on yoongi's arm.]
jimin: j..jimin..n.. not b.. but is y..yoon is n..needy.
[ he slid his hand inside yoongi's shirt,yoongi hold jimin's hand and jerk it out and blush]
yoongi: sleep. if you make yoon needy then yoon will not let you sleep whole night.
jimin: y..yoon I..w.. want c.. cuddle.
yoongi: oh I thought jimin is needy.
[ yoongi turn towards jimin with smirk.]
jimin: y..yoon. [ he cover his face by his palms,yoongi remove jimin's hands.]
yoongi: hey baby. " I need you" something like this.
jimin: y..yoon j.. just c.. cuddle.
yoongi: as your wish,come here darling.
[ jimin close his eyes,yoongi hold his waist and pull his in his embrace.]
yoongi: jiminie look am not sleepy, and I'm asking again, is you're needy?
[ jimin hide his face in yoongi's chest.]
jimin: g.. good n.. night.
yoongi: good night.

~2 minutes later~
jimin: y..yoon..j..jimin[ he heard snore. he look up.]
jimin: s.. sleep..i.. it's ok j..jimin s.. sleep. [ jimin close his eyes]

~next morning~
[ jimin is making breakfast in kitchen. yoongi come and backhug him]
Yoongi: jiminie tell me the truth, last night, you was needy right.[ jimin hit yoongi by his elbow.]
jimin: y..yoon k.. know t.. then a.. also yoon s.. sleep.
yoongi: oh my baby. hubby is sorry, come let's take bath together.
jimin: I.. I a.. already t.. take. d.. don't w.. go.
[ yoongi peck jimin's nose.]
yoongi: anger is not suite on this little nose.
[ jimin smile and hug yoongi.]
jimin: n.. not a.. go.
yoongi: leave me [ jimin nodded as no]
yoongi: darling you're leaving me or_
[ jimin immediately broke the hug.]
jimin: go
yoongi: ok ok but today is Sunday so make my favourite dish. and juice also and one more. clean the office room.
jimin: y... yesterday I d..did.
yoongi: so I again make it messy.
jimin: ok b.. but y..yoon w.. will m_
yoongi: yes baby I will make dinner.
[ jimin smile,yoongi peck his lips and left.]

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