I Want To Come To You Yoongi...

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[ Yoonmin sit on table.]
yoongi: what you want Jimin.
[ yoongi look at Jimin, Jimin look up]
yoongi [ in mind]: I think I should cancel the meeting.

yoongi: ok Jimin I'll order ok.
[ yoongi order food for them]
yoongi: eat Jimin.
[ Jimin nodded and take bite.]
yoongi: you want something else.
[ Jimin nodded as no]

yoongi: excuse me waiter, one chocolate pastry.
[ waiter served the pastry,yoongi put it in front of jimin]
yoongi: this is for you.

yoongi [ in mind]: I really want to convince him to say no for this marriage but how, now leave that yoongi.

[ Jimin look at pastry then look down]
yoongi: I said eat.[ cold tone]
[ Jimin nodded and take the pastry and started eating.]

Yoongi [ in mind]: feeling scared by me, and how fast said yes for married.[ shook his head in disbelief] why he just can't say no for this married atleast seeing my cold face.

yoongi: finished?
[ Jimin look up and nodded as no]
Yoongi: fast.. I'm getting late.
yoongi [ in mind]: don't warry boy eat slowly, I just want to make bad impression on you, you only have
2 days or I have only 2 days...

[ yoongi look at Jimin,he saw jimin finished his pastry]
yoongi: you want more?
[ jimin nodded as no]

[ waiter is crossing from yoonmin's table but accidentally hot coffee fall on jimin's hand, Jimin scream,yoongi stood he hold jimin's hand and immediately put it in water jug]

yoongi: are you out of your mind, don't you have eyes.
waiter: I'm sorry sir... I'm sorry...i.. it's by mistake..
yoongi: what sorry huh.. what if it hurt more.. call your manager.
waiter: no sir please, I extremely sorry please sir...
yoongi: call your manager... MANAGER...
[ manager immediately come there.]

manager: what happen sir?
yoongi: what happen, can't you see.
[ Jimin hold yoongi's arm,yoongi look at him and Jimin nodded as no]
yoongi: are you ok na.[ Jimin nodded]
[ yoongi take jimin's hand,in his hand.]
yoongi: red...
yoongi: did you see his hand.
manager: I'm sorry sir.
yoongi: go and take icebag.
manager: yes sir.
[ manager said to waiter and he come with ice bag. yoongi snatch ice bag from his hand,he hold jimin's
hand and left from there]

~ in car~
yoongi: put it on hand Jimin.
[ Jimin slowly put,he screamed in pain]
[ yoongi started driving]
[ they reach jimin's house. Jimin come out from car,yoongi take the shopping bags, Jimin moved his hand towards yoongi.]

yoongi: it's ok I'll take it. come.
[ Jimin immediately nodded as no, scared clearly seen on his face]
yoongi: what happen?
[ Jimin take bags from yoongi's hands]

yoongi: ok I'm not coming. bye and don't use your hand it's still red.
[ Jimin nodded with soft smile, Yoongi sit in car Jimin left from there,yoongi look at the door.]
yoongi: soft smile.[ he started driving]

[ Jimin enter the house,his aunty snatch bag from his hand.]
j'aunty: that much expensive and for this trush.
[ she grab jimin's chin]

j'aunty: feeling happy right, you really thought he'll like you... maybe they need maid for their house.
[ she throw the bag on floor and left from there, Jimin wipe his tears. he pick the suit and put it in bag.]
Jimin [ in mind: I have no problem if they just wanted me as maid...


[ yoongi reach the home]
Mrs min: yoongi you come, your meeting?
Yoongi: cancel. you know what eomma, I almost spend whole day with him, but I didn't heard his voice.
he only know_ [ yoongi nodded as yes and no]
Mrs min: yoongi.

yoongi: sorry... but is he mute. don't warry I'm not getting angry. I'm just asking you.
Mrs min: no he's not,he can talk.
yoongi: ok. eomma is there is no chance to say no for this marriage, I mean Jimin is not my type.
Mrs min: I know your type very well so shut up.
yoongi: go into the hell.
[ yoongi left for his room]

~ time skip at midnight~
jimin [ in mind]: I'm trying but can't sleep... but this time it's not bcoz of hunger,pain.... it's bcoz of you.
[ he look at his hand.]

jimin [ in mind]: first time, someone care for me... I feel so safe around him, when he hold my hand. thank you god you send him for me na.
[ smile appear on jimin's face]

ruhoon: smiling, what happen huh...
[ jimin's smile dropped,he turn.]
ruhoon: thinking about that bastard , take water in my room or you know what will happen if I woke dad...

Jimin [ in mind]: I'm tired... just one more day jimin...
[ he take the water bottle and enter in ruhoon's room]
ruhoon: put it on table..

[ jimin come towards table, suddenly he heard door
locked sound, and he turn]

Jimin: h... hyung..w.. what are you doing?
ruhoon: you sult, don't call me hyung...
[ he take steps towards jimin, Jimin started taking steps back]

ruhoon: you sult, you want that bastard fuck you right,let me taste first...

Jimin: h... hyung w...hat a.re you say...ing...
ruhoon: didn't you understand,how innocent you are.
jimin: hy..ung p.. ple...ase let me go.
[ he pushed jimin on wall]

ruhoon: don't you dare to shut anything from your mouth..
[ he try to hold jimin's waist, but Jimin pushed him away from him,tears started rolling from his eyes..]
Jimin: HYUNG...[ shout]

ruhoon: how dare you to push me.
[ he pinned Jimin on wall and trying to kissing on his neck.. Jimin moving his head,try to pushing him back...]

Jimin: .y..Yoongi...[ he close his eyes and with his whole effort he pushed ruhoon away from him and press a harsh slap..]
Jimin: .YO...U.. ARE. .MY .BRO...THER H...HYU..NG...
[ jimin run towards door and open it,ruhoon come and again pushed jimin on floor.]

ruhoon: yoongi...wait I'll show you...
[ he grabbed jimin's shirt]
Jimin: n..no... h..hyung... p.please..no

Jimin:[ in mind] you're not weak Jimin..
[ Jimin kicked on ruhoon's tummy.. ruhoon back away and Jimin run from there...he look here and there...he saw his aunty,he run towards her and hug her tightly and started sobbing]

Jimin: ...a.. aunty... h..hyung...he...he t..try to...
ruhoon: he is lying mom. he's the one who come to my room and said me to sleep with him...
Jimin: .no. a..aunty...

[ she pushed jimin and press a harsh slap...]
aunty: you sult, what you think, I'll believe you.. get lots from my eyes.. and son are you ok.
[ she come towards ruhoon and touched his cheek.]
j'aunty: are you ok.
[ ruhoon smile evely and she smile back]

[ jimin come in kitchen,he hold his wedding suit tightly and started crying badly]
Jimin [ in mind]: ... please come fast... take me from here...
[ he hold the suit closed to his chest]
jimin [ in mind]: he's my hyung, why he did... I want to come to you yoongi.

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