Yoon's little dino

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~ 3 Days Later ~

[ today was the hearing of court, jimin bear the witness, he tell everything in court. Yoongi present all proofs against jimin's uncle aunty. court declared them convict in murder of
Mr. and Mrs.park and child abuse and court give them life imprisonment.]

Yoongi- I'm proud of you jiminie [ jimin smile]
Jimin- I'm y..yoon's s.. strong b..boy.
Mrs.min- you're really brave my mochi
Mr.min- and we all proud of you.
[ they hug Yoonmin.]
Mrs.min - and I'm proud of you also, idiot boy, why you didn't inform us before.
Yoongi- I'm sorry eomma appa, but did you saw today my Jimin didn't scared?
mark- bcoz his hyung is with him.
[ he hold jimin by shoulder,
Yoongi smack on Mark's head.]
Yoongi- I don't like this boy, he's so talkative.
Mark- aunty is he's really your son, rude.
Mrs.min- Yoongi why you smack on his head?
Mark- and Mr. don't forget, I help you.
[ he hide behind Mrs.min ]
Yoongi- I'm proud of you.
Mark- huh, aunty is he said something?
Yoongi- eomma side, he want more.
Jimin- y..yoon [ Yoongi look at jimin.]
Yoongi- no jiminie, don't please don't..[ he take jimin in his embrace,tears started rolling from jimin's eyes.]
Jimin- I.. I'm so h.. happy. t.. thank you my a.. angel.
Yoongi- I love you jiminie, thank you for coming in my life, you change me my love.
[ they hug each other.]
ruhoon- mochi [ jimin look at ruhoon and broke the hug, he come towards ruhoon.]
ruhoon- I'm sorry mo_ [ cut by harsh slap]
Jimin- D.. DON'T C..CALL ME M...MOCHI... I H..HATE.. YOU [ jimin grab his collar.]
Jimin- I'M N.. NOT W..WEAK...
ruhoon- don't forgive me Jimin... but please give your hyung last chance.. I'm sorry for everything but I promise I'll be a good person, please
I'll be like mark hyung and sejun hyung.
[ he started sobbing badly.]
Yoongi- I never thought you'll be witness against your parents.. i don't want to say but thank you.
ruhoon- I'm sorry Jimin, I was not know that mom dad are murderer, please give one chance to your hyung.
[ jimin pushed ruhoon.]

Jimin- y..yoon s..say him to go a.. and d.. don't s.. show f...face a.. again..
ruhoon- I will mochi, I'll not come again but I promise I'll be a good person, please take care and
always be happy with brother in law [ ruhoon left.]
[ Jimin turn to Yoongi and hug him tightly.]
Jimin- i l.. love you y..yoon.
Yoongi- I love you too jiminie...
[ Yoongi cup jimin's face and kiss on his forehead.]
Jimin- y..yoon l.. love j..jimin..
Yoongi- hmm...[ Jimin smile and hug Yoongi]


[ Yoongi woke up and saw the time.]
Yoongi- this boy again woke early.
[ then he heard shower sound, he get up from bed in anger, and knock bathroom's door.]
jimin- f..five m.. minutes yoon.
[ Yoongi gritted his teeth in anger
after 5 minutes jimin come out.]
Jimin- w.. what h..hap_
[ Yoongi hold jimin's arms and pin him on wall.]

Yoongi- I said you na come out. [ Jimin look down.]
Jimin- i..i w..was d.. didn't c.. clothes.
Yoongi- but who said you to woke early.
[ jimin look up with confused.]
Yoongi- now what is this look?
[ jimin look at clock, and smile]
Yoongi- smiling.
Jimin- y..yoon is l.. lazy.
Yoongi- what you mean, you want me to woke early like you idiot.
[ jimin slowly remove Yoongi's hand from his arms.]
Jimin- s... stupid..

[ jimin come towards windows and open the curtains sunlight hit on Yoongi's face he close his eyes,
Jimin smile he take his phone and come close to Yoongi.]
Jimin- y..yoon it's e.. eight, w.. watch is n..not w... working y.. you are l.. lazy l.. like c..cat.
Yoongi- what you mean huh.
[ he hold jimin's waist and pull him closer.]
Yoongi- min jimin, noughty boy, cat huh [ deep voice]
[ jimin look down his cheeks turn in pink.]
Jimin- y..yoon s.. sorry.
Yoongi- not accepted [ he hold jimin's chin and made him look up.]
Yoongi- how beautiful you're jiminie. [ Jimin blush and close his eyes, Yoongi pull jimin more closer Yoongi lean and bite on jimin's collarbone mole, jimin mo@n .]
Yoongi- this is your punishment, don't you dare to tease yoon again.
[ jimin look at Yoongi with little smirk.]
Jimin- s... stupid l.. lazy cat.
[ Yoongi Grit his teeth and pushed jimin on bed and hover over him.]
Yoongi- want more. [ jimin nodded as no.]
Yoongi- say sorry to Yoongi. [ he locked jimin's fingers with his, jimin close his eyes, then he feel Yoongi's body pressed on his.]
jimin- a..amm...y..yoo.nn.[ mo@n ]
[ Yoongi press his lips on jimin's neck.]
Yoongi- yoon is sorry. [ Jimin open his eyes.]
Jimin- l..look at m.me y..yoon
[ Yoongi hide his face on jimin's neck.]
Jimin- y..yoongi~ah..

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